Spyware, Adware, Tracking
Internet Security: Firewall
PDF Reader
Most spyware is designed to expolit infected computers for this reason.
What is commercial gain?
This is a gateway that restricts and controls the flow of traffic between two networks, typically between an internal corporate network and the Internet. It protects people from danger.
What is a firewall?
This is designed to trick users into downloading the program via various phishing scams. Then this goes into keystroke logging mode, tracking your bank and credit account data as you type away on your computer. Also, this application can also be designed to make individual installations vary, so that it's harder for antivirus software to track down.
What is the Zeus Trojan?
Launched in April, this seems to be helping customers keep their software up to date better than the old system. Data showed that the user population adopted this roughly three times faster than previous updates. Read more: http://news.cnet.com/8301-27080_3-20009190-245.html#ixzz11hLeynof
What is new Updater system for Reader and Acrobat?
This is a diagnostic tool used in software development that captures the user's keystrokes. However, this can also be useful to determine sources of error in computer systems and is sometimes used to measure employee productivity on certain clerical tasks. Confidential and personal data, such as passwords or PINs, can be spied and sent to other computers via the Internet.
What is keystroke logging?
The ability to detect or remove computer viruses and worms if they're already on your computer, clean up your computer after a virus attack, block phishing e-mails, spam, and pop-up ads, filter inappropriate or dangerous Web content, protect against adware / spyware is this.
What is what a firewall cannot do?
This can be written into the Zeus program. This extra feature doesn't wipe out user data, but it does make it difficult to reboot the system.
What is kos, or "kill operating system" code?
This includes: one being exploited in the wild to take control of computers and one that could be used to launch an attack using social engineering and PDF files.
What are 17 critical holes released for Reader and Acrobat updates?
This is spyware which monitors email, chat sessions, keystrokes, programs being run, file sharing activity and user logon and logoff. The logs of these activities can be sent by email to any address specified by the person who installs the software. Fortunately, many antispyware programs can detect this.
What is eBlaster?
Every computer or device (printer, routers) on the Internet must have this that can change as long as it remains unique. This is used to recognize your particular computer out of the millions of other computers connected to the Internet.
What is an IP address?
This number of people has been charged with trying to siphon millions of dollars out of banks by using the Zeus Trojan program.
What is over 60 people?
Functionality was added to block any attempts to launch an executable or other harmful objects by default, and experts altered the way the existing warning dialog works to thwart this.
What are known social engineering attacks?
When you do the following, you are doing this for your computer and yourself: Installing Automatic Operating System Updates (security patches); Having security and privacy settings in Internet browsers; Not allowing websites to install ActiveX control or plugins; Downloading programs only from websites you trust; Being especially careful with certain types of "free" programs and watching out for the 'fine' print
What is protection from Spyware and Adware?
Information enters your computer from the internet through this.These are examples: 25 – SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) – Email; 80 – HTTP / WWW / webpages; 110 – POP3 (downloading email); 443 – HTTPS – Secure web traffic; 21, 20 - FTP
What are computer ports?
Busts related to a crackdown in London yesterday in which 19 people were accused of being part of a cybercrime ring that stole about this amount of money from UK banks.
What is £6 million?
The security updates are for these programs according to the security bulletin.
What are Adobe Reader 9.3.2 for Windows, Mac, and Unix, Adobe Acrobat 9.3.2 for Windows and Macintosh, and Adobe Reader 8.2.2 and Acrobat 8.2.2 for Windows and Mac?
This is an attempt to obtain or decrypt a legitimate user's password. Hackers can use password dictionaries, cracking programs, and password sniffers. Defense against this is rather limited but usually consists of a password policy including a minimum length, unrecognizable words, and frequent changes.
What is a password attack?
These two things are examples of filtering when a firewall examines information coming into your computer and going out of your computer.
What is inbound and outbound filtering?
The UK banks involved in the Zeus Trojan busts include these.
What are the Royal Bank of Scotland and HSBC holdings?
This was made public in late March by security researcher Didier Stevens, who fashioned a proof-of-concept attack that relied on the "/launch" functionality.
What is PDF vulnerability?