matita means
What is: a pencil
Che ora sono? means
What time is it?
What does ciao mean
What hello AND/ OR goodbye
verde means
What is green
The capital of Italy is
What is Rome
the word penna means
What is a pen
Che giorno รจ oggi? means
What day is today?
arrivederci means
What is : Goodbye
giallo means
what is yellow
A city in Italy that has the largest seaport
What is Genoa
The word banderia means
What is a flag
ascolta means
What is: listen
"a pui tardi" means
What is: see you later
nero means
What is black
City in Italy is famous for art
What is Florence/Firenza
The word orologio means
What is a clock
Apri il libro means
What is: open the book
What does "a domani" mean
What is: see you tomorrow
rosso means
What is red
City in Italy that does not allow cars within its borders.
What is Venice/ Venezia
The word lavagna means
"alza la mano" means
What is: raise your hand
Addio means
What is good-bye
marrone means
what is brown
Italy's southern most region
What is Sicily/ Sicilia