- e mattina
- e sera
- e notte
Buongiorno, buonasera, buona notte
Fill in the blank
__________ ragazzo è molto simpatico
"to be" and "to have"
What is the first person form of the verb parlare (to speak).
parlo (I speak)
When talking about one thing you like, you would use piacere in this form.
If you want to ask someone where they are from you would say this
Di dove sei?
The article for feminine singular nouns starting with a vowel.
In the present tense, this pronoun would be used with "essere" for the 1st person singular (io).
What is the second person plural (voi) conjugation of the verb "mangiare" (to eat)
To say "I like the books", this is the correct form of piacere.
You are meeting your best friend's girlfriend for the first time and you want to ask how old she is and also tell him your age, what would you say?
Quanti anni hai?
ho (age) anni
This article is used before a singular, masculine noun starting with "z" or "s" + consonant.
Conjugate avere in the second person plural (voi) form?
The third person singular (lui/lei) form of the verb "scrivere" (to write)
What is the name of the song we listened to in class
mi piace
Posso avera la pizza?
Vorrei la pizza, per favore
Per me la pizza per favore
Fill in the blank
______ studenti sono molto bravi
In the 3rd person singular (lui/lei) conjugation of essere is
What is similar between conjugations of ARE, ERE, and IRE verbs
the "io" and "tu" conjugations for all verb endings are the same.
How would you say they like the music in Italian?
Loro piace la musica
Fill in the blanks in this conversation
Person 1:
Ciao! Mi _______ Grace. E tu, come ti _______?
Person 2: Mi chiamo Rachel. Come ___?
Person 1: Cosi-cosi, ____ Studi?
Person 2: Io ____ psicologia all'Università di New Haven.
- chiamo
- chiami
- stai
- cosa
- studio
Name all the articles we have learned in class and sort them into the following categories:
- Masculine singular
- Feminine singular
- Masculine plural
- Feminine Plural
- Masculine singular: il, lo, L'
- Feminine Singular: La, L'
- Masculine Plural: i, gli
- Feminine Plural: Le
Fill in the blanks for the following:
Conjugate these verbs
Io ______ (capire)
Tu ______ (finire)
- capisco
- finisci
When speaking about an action do you use piace or piacciono?