What is the proper skirt length for women in an interview?
Knee length or longer
How do you find out/research about the companies? (Magazines? Books? )
Company websites, Annual reports
What is something you should do as soon as you arrive to the interview?
(This is more of an international practice although it is not wrong if you want to do this as well). When should you send a thank you note after the interview?
Immediately after the interview
To the question, "Tell me about Yourself", you should answer using the _ _ _ format.
Use the E-E-S format, where the first 'E' is for 'Education', the second 'E' is for 'Experience' while 'S' is for 'Skills'.
What is the proper style of tie for men?
Plain, non patterned
What should you always bring extra copies of to an interview?
What is proper body language (while you are seated down) in the interview?
Sitting up straight in the chair
To whom should you address your thank you note to?
The actual/full/complete name of the person who conducted the interview. If it is a panel interview, go for the person who is seated in the middle. That is usually the person with the most authority.
To the question, "What are your strengths". You should answer it using the _ _ _ format.
Answer using the 'F-A-B' format where 'F' is for feature on your skills, 'A' is for how your strengths can be an 'Advantage' and/or 'Benefits' to the company.
What is the proper shirt for a man to wear to an interview?
(Round neck? V Neck?)
Collared long sleeve shirt
How early should you arrive to an interview?
10-15 minutes
What should you give to support your answers?
Specific examples
What should your thank you note includes?
Post applied for and contact details
To the question, "What are your weaknesses", you should answer using the _ _ _ format.
Answer using the W-A-P format. Where 'W' is for a weakness of yours which is unrelated to the post. 'A' is for the action you have taken to improve on your weakness. 'P' is for 'Positives' where you take your weakness and turn it into a strength.
What is the proper shoe style for ladies?
Covered with a bit of heels
What should you bring to the interview to carry your documents?
Professional looking portfolio AND a pen!
What is something you should avoid talking about?
Personal things
Should the thank you note be typed or handwritten?
Preferably typed. Handwritten is accepted if you decide to send a thank you card instead.
Are you a solo player or are you a team player? How would you answer?
You should reply that you are comfortable with both as your prospective employer wants to know if you can work alone AND in a team.
What colours should be avoided (for interview attire for both men and women)?
Bright. loud, neon
The portion in your resume which asks for the names of two person who are NOT your relatives is called...
When asked for the reason as to why you left your previous job you must never __________ your previous employer.
What does a thank you note confirm?
Interest in the company
"What questions do you have for me?" Should you have questions for the interviewer?
YES! Prepare 3-5 questions to ask at the conclusion of the interview.