The standard in MUTCD 6F.64 for traffic cones requires that cones be predominantly what color?
What is Orange?
The EM-1 is typically used for evacuation routes during this type of weather.
What is Hurricane?
Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices
For a signal warrant analysis, bicyclists may be counted as either vehicles or this.
What is pedestrian?
The R2-1 give these type of limits that a vehicle may travel on a given road
What is Speed Limit?
Regular warning signs are this color.
What is Yellow?
The R16-6 requires headlights to be on when the weather is doing this?
What is raining?
What is Temporary Traffic Control?
These are the two diameter sizes, in inches, for vehicular signal indications.
What are 8 inches and 12 inches?
You know your going the wrong way this type of street when you see this R6-1/R6-2 sign.
What is One-Way?
This color is assigned to recreation and cultural interest uses.
What is Brown?
The W8-5 sign advises motorists the roadway may be slippery when the roadway is this?
What is wet?
What is Intelligent Transportation Systems?
Warrant 1 for traffic signalization requires minimum volume thresholds be met for at least this many hours in a day.
What is 8 hours?
You must do this when you see this R1-1 sign.
What is stop?
Black and White are assigned for this use.
What is Regulation?
The W8-13 sign advises motorists that a bridge might do this before the road.
What is Ice?
What is Changeable Message Signs?
The MUTCD defines three vehicular volume based signal warrants: Peak Hour, Four-hour, and this.
What is Eight-Hour?
This R3-17 sign reserves the lane for these type of pedestrians.
Who are bicyclists?
Name 3 of the 5 high-visibility retroreflective colors used in safety apparel.
What is Orange, Yellow, White, Silver, or Yellow-Green?
The W8-19 Depth Gauge sign may be installed on a roadway which does this frequently.
What is Flood?
Portable Changeable Message Sign
The number of warrants for traffic control signals.
What is nine?
Name the code for this sign.
What is R1-2?