Vocabulary & Communication
Developmental Areas
Behavior & Transitions
Meals & Diapering

"Yesterday we went for a walk in the stroller."

What is Encouraging Vocabulary Development--Staff sometimes talk about past things that have happened?  (2x)


"I see you're putting the red triangle into the puzzle.  Can you find the green square and put it into the puzzle too?"

What is Fine Motor--Staff show extended interest as a child uses fine motor materials, talking about materials, showing how to use them, talking about what they made?


Children are singing and acting "Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes" in the hallway with a teacher while the remainder of the class is putting on outdoor gear.

What is Schedule and Transitions--No more than 3 minutes of wait time for children with nothing engaging to do?"


"Let's sing the ABC song 2 times while you wash your hands.  Do you see how I'm crub, scrub, scrubbing and making lots of bubbles."

What is Health Practices--Staff show children how to wash hands and describe steps?


While reading the book Five Little Ducks, the teacher says "I see a duck right here on this page"?

What is Staff Use of Books with Children--Staff point out and name some pictures in books for children.  Staff read text in books as well as talk about story or pictures?


"A giraffe is a tall animal with a very long neck."?

What is Encouraging Vocabulary Development--Staff verbally explain the meaning of words?


"You're so strong!  Let's see if today you can make it all the way to the top of the Pickler climber and down the other side."

What is Supervision of Gross Motor Play--Staff provide frequent encouragement for children's gross motor play?


Staff help children to develop new skills and to use more challenging equipment.


"I can't let you hit your friend.  That hurts their body and makes them sad."

What is Guiding Children's Behavior--Staff explain in simple terms the reasons why they cannot permit specific behaviors?


Guiding Children's Behavior--Staff help make children aware of how their actions affect others.


"Quinn, it's time for a diaper.  Come on over to the changing table."

What is Diapering/Toileting--Staff teach children self-help skills like handwashing; all children are talked to?


"Your feet need to stay on the floor so you don't fall and keep your body safe."

What is Safety Practices--Simple explanations for why children cannot do unsafe actions provided when stopping a child from doing something.


"Susie I hear you telling me you're hungry.  Your bottle is in the warmer and will be ready soon."

What is Responding to Children's Communication--Staff respond to a crying or upset child and to children's subtle communication (noticing how a child might be feeling and acting upon it)?


"Let's make the playdoh into a pancake before we roll it with the rolling pin.  Then we can push the cutters into the flat pancake to make shapes."

What is Art--staff use words and actions to teach children to use art materials?"


A lead teacher asks her assistant to sing a song with the group while she quickly gets the dishes and snack and brings the to the table.

What is Schedule and Transitions--Staff are almost always prepared for the next activity.

"Uh oh!  There's milk on the table.  Jett can you get a towel and help me clean it up?"

What is Meals/Snacks--Staff actively teach self-help skills as children are ready?


"Let's count how many cucumber slices you have.  1. . .2. . .3.  You have 3 cucumber slices on your plate."

What is Math/Number--Staff count objects for children in an engaging manner?


What is Meals/Snacks--Staff use math talk during feeding times?


"Tommy what do you have on your plate today?"  Teacher pauses and Tommy points at his hummus and smiles.  Teacher then says "I see you're pointing at your hummus.  You have hummus on your plate."

What is Encouraging Children to Communicate--Staff wait a reasonable amount of time after asking questions for a child to respond.  If a child cannot answer, staff can answer for them?


Teacher sings The Itsy Bitsy Spider song with children.  The second time it is sung very slowly and the third time it is sung very fast, while doing the actions.

What is Music--Staff draws attention to features of the music such as rhyming words, fast/slow, using finger plays?"


A teacher is sitting in the rocking chair with 3 babies reading stories.

What is Providing Physical Warmth/Touch--Much holding, patting or other physical warmth shown throughout the observation?


Morning snack is cucumbers and tzatziki dip.  Teachers at the table tell the children that they can dip their cucumber in the tzatziki.  The word is repeated slowly a few times and children are encouraged to try to say it.

What is--Encouraging Vocabulary Development--Staff frequently use specific names and a wide variety of words for people, places, things, and actions as children experience then in routines AND play?


"It makes me so happy to see Jett helping Sarah clean up her spilled milk."

What is Peer Interaction--Staff point out and talk about instances of positive social interaction among children or between adults and children?

I see you're pointing at the firetruck.  Would you like to work with it"?

What is Responding to Children's Communication--Staff say words a child is trying to communicate?


"Friends, our plants are thirsty.  They need to drink water just like we do.  Let's work together to give them some water."

What is Nature/Science--Staff talk about a pant in the room or trees/birds outside, or show how to use science materials?


Elio, if Sammy is too close to you, you can say "Stop.  Space" and hold out your hand like this.

What is Guiding Children's Behavior--Staff hep children learn ot communicate to solve problems and follow up as needed?


While eating fruit salad, a teacher says "Look, we have cubes in our fruit salad.  The watermelon cubes are red and the cantalope cubes are orange.  They are the same shape but the colors are different."

What is Encouraging Vocabulary Development--Staff make obvious comparisons and contrasts to help children understand words?


"I see the family photos on the wall.  Let's find Reyna's family.  Here they are.  Here's Reyna, her Mom, and her Dad."  "Who else's family do we see hanging here?"

What is Displays for Children--Staff point out and talk about displayed materials?


Displays for Children--Staff provide extended talk on displayed materials.
