Accord ding to legend, St. Patrick cast out the what from Ireland.
A. Lizards
B. Snakes
C. Alligators
What is B. Snakes
For one of the steps, what kids icon is used as it’s title?
Who is Barney
Funny how these creatures are from the”Red Planet,” but nevertheless called Little Green Men.
What are Martians
When rehearsed for the Wilton show, what was the “problem“ we kept running into ?
What is the music/tempo
The 16th President, just had a birthday. Civil War.
Who is Lincoln
True or False. There is a parade in DublinIreland on St, Patrick’s Day and Miss Jean was in it.
What is true
True Or False. Horsey Horsey is the name of a reel.
What is False, it’s a jig.
Always scared, but always in a green shirt is this member of the mystery solving teens.
Who is Shaggy
What new element are we adding to the Ribbon Dance?
What is a second group
Which way is the first name red head with the last name Avenant spelt? Eileen or Aileen?
Who is Aileen
When it comes to food on St. Patrick‘s Day, Corned Beef And Cabbage are nowhere to be seen. Instead, an option could be what?
A. Salmon
B. Lamb
C. Both
What is C. Both
Let’s not have any foul language. When it comes to ITF, The S Word means what?
What is spacing
Well, she was just on the big screen again and going up against her sister, the good one. Anybody seen Dorothy?
Who is the The Wicked Witch Of The West
The cathedral show for the advanced dancers will happen at what activity after Sunday mass?
What is coffee hour
Is the middle Viggiano spelt May May or Mae Mae?
What is Mae Mae
A. Murphy
B. Paddy
C. Seamus
What is B. Paddy
One dance was known to have a lot of crossing. The crossing was tragically compared to what driving problem?
What is traffic jam
Heres a guy who has a fifth movie coming out and still surrounded by fairy tale characters and his own talking animals.
Who is Shrek
The name of the little beginners dance for the shows is called what?
What is The Bonfire
This famous General’s last name is the first last name of a new beginner.
Who is Patton
On St. Patrick’s Day when someone says to you Erin Go Bragh, what are the wishing you?
A. Happy St. Patrick’s Day
B. Long Live Ireland
C. Have An Emerald Day
What is B. Long Live Ireland
Originated by Lily, the Carrick Castles were “renamed” to what “healthy” sounding dessert?
What is carrot cake
Does anybody know who this is? Why is asking questions? When is going to take down his superhero enemy? Have you figured out why the question is phrased like this?
Who is The Riddler
The Manchester Parade has been traditionally followed by what place?
What is Olive Garden
True or False. Asa’s real name is David.
What is True