Elig criteria
Ufile Screens

GoC GdC 833-995-2341.

What phone number do taxpayers see on their call display when we do an outbound call? 


$45,000 is the suggested income level to file via ITFA

What is the income cap for a family of 2?


These are program areas where notes will be made.

What are TSAD & the ITFA Master List? 


The screen where you enter identification information, and select all the slip & credit information that the taxpayer will be claiming.  

What is the interview screen? 


The code word that will be displayed on letters that are sent out to individuals to help them with tax filing. 

What is TAX2023?


Tool used to communicate with other ITFA members. 

What is Chatterbox? 


Yes if the total income in box 48 is under $1000, no expenses are claimed, tp is not registered or (required to be) as a GST/HST registrant. 

Is income from a T4A slip eligible for filing 


This template is used in a situation where a TP does not pass confidentiality or is skeptical of the ITFA project. 

What is Template E? 


This tax credit requires an application form & a declaration form to be filled out in U-File.

What is the OEPTC (Ontario Energy Property Tax Credit)? 


A taxpayer doesn’t know their household income or unsure of what type of income he/she has so this procedure has to be followed. 

What is confidentiality? 


Used to send an individual to a different queue - and can be direct or warm. 

What is the transfer button? 


Have modest income & a simple tax situation

What are the two basic eligibility criteria to be able to receive assistance  via the CVITP program? 


This note is made in a situation where you contact the taxpayer a second time & he/she has already filed their return or has been referred to a clinic. 

What is Template C?


This is the screen you would find the 4 amounts you need to disclose to the taxpayer. 

What is the Review Screen & Federal link? 


Use this script when cold calling taxpayers who have not received an ITFA letter. 

What is Script B?


Used to mark all inbound & outbound calls & call attempts. 

What is the ITFA tracking tool? 


A community clinic where a taxpayer can go if they meet eligibility criteria & don’t wish to complete taxes over the phone. 

What is a CVITP tax clinic?


Used to identify that a return was prepared for an individual. 

What is Notepad Template D


A taxpayer is a single Mom with 2 children under 18. This tab is something you need to add. 

What is the add dependent tab? 


Used to bring in slip info & type of income received & must have consent to use. 

What is Auto-Fill? Bonus - If you don’t use AFR & there is a slip in TSAD that the client doesn’t provide, what are the procedures?


A service used by the Deaf & Hard of Hearing community to connect with services. Bonus: Are we allowed to complete returns this way? Extra: Can a legal rep file a person’s return on behalf of him/her?

What is the relay service?


Individuals who reside in QB must be transferred here for assistance. Bonus: Can we file any part of the return? 

What is the Quebec line? 


This template is used when you first attempt to call an individual to assist him/her with tax filing. 

What is Template B?


This screen is the final one that you have to obtain consent. Bonus: What other info do you need to provide from this screen?

What is the efile screen?


This process involves obtaining consent in order to file, confirming identity, reviewing tax info & getting consent for Auto-File. 

What do you have to do if a person agrees to have you assist in completing & filing their return? 
