What 2 tribes were the ansar made of?
Aws and Khazraj
What were the first verses of the quran that were revealed to the prophet?
The first 5 verses of Surah Alaq
What was the name of the treaty that was signed between the muslims and the quraysh to establish peace between them, and that would allow the muslims to perform hajj the following year?
Treaty of Hudaibiyyah
Which Prophet is mentioned the most in the Quran?
Prophet Musa
At what age did Imam Ali (AS) accept Islam?
10 years old
Who gave bibi zainab her name and what does it mean?
The holy prophet.
It means adornment of her father
Mention all the 10 branches of Islam
Salaah, Sawm, Hajj, Zakaat, Khums, Jihad, Amr Bil Maruf, Nahi Anil Munkar, Tawallah, Tabarrah
How many abbasid caliphs rule did the 10th imam live to see?
Which Surah contains the verse about fasting in Ramadan?
Surah Baqarah
What did Imam Ali (AS) do during the Prophet’s (PBUH) migration to Medina?
He slept in the Prophet’s (PBUH) bed to trick the Quraysh assassins.
How long did ghaybat as Sughra last for?
And mention year of start and end.
69 years.
260 AH- 329 AH
Mention any 15 prophets that you know
Musa, Isa, Muhammed, Yunus, Yusuf, Yahya, Ismail, Ibrahim, Sulaiman, Dawood, Nuh, Lut, Haroon, Ayyub, Uzayr
Who were the 6 people selected to take part in the shura for selecting the next caliph after umar’s death?
Talha, Zubair, Imam Ali, Uthman, Abd ar rahman, Awf
Which Surah warns about the punishment in Hell and asks "Which of the favors of your Lord will you deny?" (Surah name and number )
and how many times ?
Surah Rahman (55) and 31 times.
When did Imam Ali (AS) become caliph?
After the assasination of Uthman
Surah and verse number that was revealed to the Prophet commanding him, and that led to Ghadeer taking place
Surah 5 verse 67.
O Messenger! Convey everything revealed to you from your Lord. If you do not, then you have not delivered His message. Allah will ˹certainly˺ protect you from the people. Indeed, Allah does not guide the people who disbelieve
How many naibs were appointed by the 12th imam during the minor occultation? And mention at least 2 of them by name
‘Uthmān bin Sa‘īd, Muhammad bin ‘Uthmān, Husayn bin Rawh, Ali bin Muhammad as-Samary
What were the 5 major battles fought in islam?
Hunayn, Khandaq, Khayber, Uhud, Badr
Which two animals are directly mentioned as means of transport in the Quran?
Camel & Horse
What were his famous last words?
(In Arabic and its translation)
Fuztu wa Rabbil Kaaba.
By the Lord of the Kaaba, I have succeeded.
Mention any 3 rulings for Itikaf
Staying in mosque for 2 nights, 3 days
No wordly talks- full disconnect from Dunya
No showering allowed
What is the Islamic opinion of predestination and freewill.
Explain it
We dont believe in predestination, as that would go against the freewill that God has given us all. If there is predestination, the whole concept of coming into this world does not make sense, as well as Heaven and Hell
Who was the youngest imam who was martyred? And how old was he?
Imam muhammad at taqi, at the age of 25
Which two Surahs are called the verses of protection?
(Name and number)
Surah Al-Falaq (113) & Surah An-Nas (114)
What did the Prophet (PBUH) say when giving Imam Ali (AS) the banner at Khaybar?
"I will give the banner to a man who loves Allah and His Messenger, and they love him"