This animal phrase describes an upward trending market
What is a bull market
Better known as the Oracle of Omaha, this investor is the CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, and founder of the giving pledge
Who is Warren Buffett
A tax advantaged account designed to help you save for retirement
what is an IRA
This company was founded by Thomas Edison in 1892, and was once one of the largest companies in the world. It is now 3 separate companies
What is/was General Electric
A deliberate act of deception that you profit from, in general
What is Fraud
This swimming related phrase is used when you need do extensive research or a through analysis (Daily Double)
what is a Deep Dive
He is the long time CEO of Disney, easily one of the most recognizable in the company's history, and was one of the last people knighted by Queen Elizabeth
Who is Bob Iger
In this type of offering from an insurance company, the income doesn't start till you hit a certain age
What is an Annuity
Founded in 1928( Technically), this company owns several brands such as Betty Crocker, Pillsbury, and Cheerios
What is General Mills
If you avoided paying Uncle Sam his cut, this organization will hunt you down
what is the Internal Revenue Service( IRS)
This phrase describes team working very well together
What is Synergy
She is not only the first female and African-American millionaire, but also the first self made millionaire in the U.S
Who is Madame CJ walker
Released in 2015, this cryptocurrency is now number 2 in the world
What is Ethereum
This Company was formed after several mergers, and is known for it's strategy of having different car brands for different incomes. They were the largest car company in the world till 2008.
What is General Motors
If you undermine competition in the market, then you are violating these types of laws
Trying to get your colleagues to accept a new idea, to "purchase" it, so to speak
He is known as the first Activist Investor, and is widely considered on of the greatest investors of all time. However some call him a corporate raider due to his asset stripping tactics.
Who is Carl Icahn
This word that has a solid center, is used to describe when and industry goes from having many firms to just a few
What is Consolidation
This weapons company formed from a merger in 1952, and is known for it's Gulfstream jets, and nuclear submarines. It is the fifth largest Weapons company in the world
What is General dynamics
Violating this law, by investing with knowledge of nonpublic information, will land you in a cell with Martha Stewart
What is Insider trading
This nautical themed saying describes a costly action that wastes a lot of time
What is to boil the ocean
This PA legend is known for his Chocolate and peanut butter cups, but also has towns, schools, and a theme park named for him. (Daily Double)
Who is Milton Hershey
To earn trust many investment companies that they are this type of advisor, obligated to act in a client's interest.
What is a Fiduciary
This defense company, founded in 1985, is well known for creating predator drones and for building nuclear reactors
What is General Atomics
If you disagree with a verdict you can ___ to a higher court
what is appeal