What is the process by which favorable traits become more common in a population over generations?
Natural selection
What is the difference between a theory and a hypothesis?
A theory explains; a hypothesis is testable
What is the term for assuming traits are inevitable because they are natural?
Deterministic fallacy
What is the difference between reliability and validity?
Reliability = consistency; Validity = accuracy
Feb 20
What are the three key components required for natural selection to occur?
Variation, survival/reproduction, heritability
What is an operational definition?
A precise way of measuring an abstract concept
What psychological pitfall assumes that evolution leads to progress or improvement?
What is the “third variable problem” in correlation studies?
A hidden factor causes the observed relationship
When are Erin's office hours?
Trick Question! :D
What is the term for the environment in which a species' traits evolved?
Environment of Evolutionary Adaptation (EEA)
What are the five foundations of psychology?
Evolution, Materialism, Idealism, Modularity, Empiricism
What is the evolutionary fallacy that assumes natural traits are always good or desirable?
Naturalistic fallacy
What research method helps eliminate observer bias?
Double-blind study
What are my 3 rules in grading recitation assignments?
Arrive no later than 20 minutes after the start of class.
All parts of the question must be answered for full credit
I just want to see you try!
Why do some traits that were once adaptive become maladaptive?
Environmental changes occur faster than evolution can keep up
What is an example of a psychological concept that requires an operational definition?
Intelligence, happiness, stress, etc.
What is an example of a formerly adaptive but now maladaptive human behavior?
Craving sugar, etc.
What does a correlation coefficient of 0 mean?
No relationship between two variables
What are the names of the people in your group?
wait... were you paying attention :)
Why does natural selection act on individuals, but evolution occurs at the population level?
What are the three major challenges in psychological research?
Complexity, variability, reactivity
What does falsifiability mean in scientific research? Give an example.
A claim must be testable and capable of being proven wrong
What is the difference between convergent and discriminant validity?
Convergent = related measures align; Discriminant = unrelated measures differ
What are your group mate's majors?
wait... were you paying attention :)