¿Qué hora es?
What time is it?
It's the 15th of March.
Está a 3 km de mi casa.
It's 3 km from my house.
Está lloviendo.
It's raining.
Es caro tener casa en Madrid.
It's expensive to have a house in Madrid.
Son las 2.
It's 2 o'clock.
Es lunes, 18 de octubre.
It's Monday, October 18th.
Está muy lejos.
It's very far away.
Está nevando.
It's snowing.
Es fácil aprender inglés.
It's easy to learn English.
Son las tres y cuarto.
It's quarter past three.
It's three fifteen.
Es viernes, 21 de noviembre.
It's Friday, November 21st.
No está muy lejos.
It isn't very far away.
Está nublado.
It's cloudy.
Es maravilloso tener una mascota.
It's wonderful to have a pet.
Son las 5 y media.
It's five thirty.
It's half past five.
Es el 30 de mayo.
It's the 30th of May.
¿Está lejos?
Is it far (away)?
Está lloviendo a cántaros.
It's raining cats and dogs.
Es interesante ver como nadan los patos.
It's interesting to see how ducks swim.
Es hora de irnos.
It's time to go.
Es el día del padre. Es el 19 de marzo.
It's Father's Day. It's March 19th.
¿A cuánto está?
How far away is it?
Está chispeando.
It's spitting. It's sprinkling.
El peligroso conducir sin cinturón de seguridad.
It's dangerous to drive without a seat belt.