What happened just prior to God's creation of Eva?
Adam named the animals. Genesis 2:20
What did Jude say God has reserved in chains for the judgement day?
The disobedient angels. Jude 1:6
What did Isaiah use in Chapter 5 as an allegory to represent the people of Jadah and their God?
A vineyard. Isaiah 5:1-7
In the fourth chapter of Luke, Jesus went into the synagogue on the Sabbath and was handed the book of which prophet?
Isaiah. Luke 4:17.
What was Amos' occupation?
Herdsman. Amos 1:1
Genesis alluded to a race of giants which existed before the Great Flood. What were they called?
Mighty men of old. Genesis 6:4
Michael the archangel disputed about what?
The body of Moses. Jude 9:1
What three nations were prophesied against in Chapter 14?
Babylon, Assyria, and Philistia. Isaiah 14:4, 25, 29
What did James and John ask Jesus after He was rejected in Samaria?
If they should command fire from the heavens? Luke 9:54
After Amos pleade with God (chapter 7), God relented from serving two potential disasters upon Israel. What were they?
A locust attack. A conflict of fire. Amos 7: 1-6.
How old was Noah when the flood ended?
601 years old-Gensis 8:13
Jude used some colorful metaphors to describe the false teachers and evil people of the day: clouds without water, blown about by the wind, late autumn trees without fruit, raping waves of the sea, foaming up their own shame and?
They are wandering tarts for which the darkest blackness is reserved. Jude 1:12-13
In Chapter 44, God called Isarel to see the foolishness of trusting in what?
Idols. Isaiah 44:9-20
In Luke's gospel, Jesus' last instruction to His followers was what?
"Stay in Jerusalem until you receive power from on high." Luke 24:49.
God said that the famine He sent would be a famine of what?
Hearing the Lord's words. Amos 8:11
What was Pharaoh's response when he heard Joseph had invited his family to Egypt?
He was pleased and offered the best of Egypt to them. Genesis45: 16-20
What Old Testament cities did Jude mention in his epistle?
Sodom & Gomorrah and Korah. Jude 1:7, 11
According to the tribulation Judgements of Chapter 24, who will be shut up in prison for many days?
The kings of the earth. Isaiah 24:21-22.
According to Luke's gospel, certain elders of the Jews came to importune Jesus to come and heal the centurion's servant. What two things did they say about the centurion as examples of his goodness?
" He loves our nation and built us a synagogue." Luke 7:5
"He loves our nation and built us a synagogue". Luke 7:5
What two events did Amos say would be a part of Israel's restoration?
The temple ruins would be raised up. The captives would be brought back to Israel. Amos 9:11-14
During a famine, Isaac & Rebekah stayed in a place called Gerar. The Philistine King issued a decree that anyone who molested them would be put to death. Can you name the king?
Abimelech. Genesis 26:11
Who did Jude say refused to bring a "reviling accusation" against the devil?
Michael the archangel. Jude 1:9.
Where did God say he has inscribed the name of His people?
The palms of His hands. Isaiah 49:16
On the day of Jesus' resurrection, He appeared to two men who were on their way to a certain village "about seven miles from Jerusalem." What was the name of the village?
Emmaus. Luke 24:13.
Amos referred to the Samaritan women who oppressed the poor as what kind of animals?
Cows. Amos 4:1