Name a building in the U.S. that is influenced by Greek architecture
What did Prometheus steal?
What wooden animal did the Greeks hide in?
a horse (the Trojan horse)
What does hubris mean?
Arrogance or excessive pride
What is the meaning of "It's all Greek to me"?
I don't understand it at all- it's like a foreign language to me.
What are the two definitions of a myth?
1) a story 2) something that isn't true
In what story do we learn the origin of summer and winter?
Hades and the Underworld
Including the Trojan war, how long was Odysseus away from home?
20 years
What was the name of Oedipus' mother (and wife!)?
What is the definition of 'an Achilles' heel'?
a weakness or vulnerable point
What is the name of this building?
The Parthenon
What do the shadows on the wall represent in Plato's Allegory of the Cave?
False reality
From the article "Resisting the Internet's Grip", explain the difference between self-control and resisting temptation.
Self-control is about proactively managing one's actions while resisting temptation is sheer will to not do something (and more difficult).
What's the name of the famous psychologist who coined the phrase "Oedipus Complex"?
Sigmund Freud
What does "to open Pandora's box" mean?
To perform an action that may seem small or innocent, but that turns out to have severely detrimental and far-reaching negative consequences.
When did the Greek pagan religion disappear?
In the article "Pandora's box: The Real Impact of Drug Policies", the author gives two reasons about how prohibition drug policies don't work. List one of these reasons.
1) prohibition policies increase violence in many communities
2) illegal markets continue to operate despite these policies
3) punishment disproportionately affects minorities (women, people in poverty)
What was the minotaur trapped in? (doesn't start with an 'm')
The Labyrinth
What is Daedalus' 'hubris and nemesis'?
Possible answers: He tried to kill his nephew, Perdix, for being a better inventor. He helped Mino's wife, Pasiphae, commit a perverse act.
Give an example of a modern-day Prometheus
e.g. Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, Malala Yousafzai, Edward Snowden
There are five theories of comparative mythology explained in our textbook. List 4 out of 5 of them to get points.
1. Models for moral behavior
2. Distorted accounts of historical events
3. Allegories for natural phenomena
4. Personification of objects and forces
5. Expressions of the "collective unconscious"
In what book can Plato's Allegory of the Cave be found?
The Republic
According to our textbook, there are 18 steps in the hero's journey. List ONLY 5 steps correctly to get this question correct.
1: Unusual birth 2: Ordinary World/Humble Upbringing 3: The Call to Adventure 4: Refusal of and Acceptance of the Call 5: Supernatural Aid/ Mentor & Talisman 6: Entering the Unknown: Crossing the Threshold 7: First Battle: Threshold Guardian 8: Allies/Helpers 9: Road of Trials 10: Meeting with the Goddess/ Temptress 11: Brother/Father Battle: The Final Showdown 12: Apotheosis 13: The Ultimate Reward 14: Refusal to Return 15: Magical Flight/ Rescue from Without 16: The Return Threshold: Home Again 17: Master of Two Worlds/ Restoring the World 18: Freedom to Live
Give a modern day example of someone who "flew too close to the sun".
e.g. Elizabeth Holmes (theranos), Elon Musk, Bernie Madoff (Ponzi scheme)
1) What does the idiom "ignorance is bliss" mean?
2) What story does it come from?
3) How does it relate to the story?
In Plato's 'Allegory of the Cave', when one prisoner gets out it is initially scary and confusing to be 'enlightened'.