Steps to Saving
Cardiac Emergency
Checking A Person
Foundations of care

What is your role in the EMS system?

What is your role in the EMS system?

1. Recognizing that an emergency exists.

2. Deciding to take action

3. Activating the EMS system

4. Giving care until EMS personnel takes over


What is a Heart Attack?

Occurs when blood flow to part of the heart muscle is blocked.


What are the signs someone is choking? 

A person is confused or panicked, Has two hands on their throat, may cough forcefully.


What does SAM stand for?

S- Signs and symptoms 


M- Medications


When should you activate EMS system?

Emergency situations or Emergency conditions.


What are the signs of an emergency?

1. Unusual sounds

2.Unusual Sights

3. Unusual Odors

4. Unusual Behaviors


What is Cardiac Arrest?

Occurs when the heart stops beating or beats too ineffectively to circulate blood to the brain and other vital organs.


What is the care you use for choking?

What is the care you use for choking? 5 back blows and 5 abdominal thrusts.


Steps to Checking from Head to Toe?

Determine whether to call 9-1-1 or the designated  

emergency number 

Help the person rest in a comfortable position.

 Reassure the person by telling him or her that you  

will help and that EMS personnel have been called  

 Give care according to the conditions that you find and your level of knowledge and training.

 Be alert to signs that the person’s condition is worsening

What is Good Samaritan Law?

Protects responders who act as a "reasonable and prudent person" would act if that person were in the same situation. 


What are the steps to obtaining consent?

What are the steps to obtaining consent?

1. State your name

2. State the type and level of training that you have

3.Explain what you think is wrong

4. Explain what you plan to do

5. Ask if you may help


What is the Adult Cardiac Chain of Survival?

1. Recognition of cardiac arrest/ activation of EMS system

2. Early CPR

3.Early defibrillation

4.Early advanced life support

5. Integrated post-cardiac care


What if the child is responsive and can speak?

 Encourage the child to continue coughing


What is the amount of time spent checking for responsiveness? 

5-10 seconds


When do you use implied consent?

When a minor's parent or guardian is not present and the minor needs care. 


What are the Emergency Action steps?

1. Check 

2. Call



What is the Pediatric Cardiac Chain of Survival?

1. Prevention

2. Early CPR

3. Activation of EMS system

4. Early advanced life support

5. Integrated post- cardiac care


What is the position of a infant when caring for choking?

Infant should be on forearm, then balanced on leg. Infant head must be lower then his/her chest


What is the recovery position for an adult?

Extend the person’s arm that is closest to you 

above the person’s head. 

Roll the person toward yourself onto his or her 

side, so that the person’s head rests on his or 

her extended arm. 

 Bend both of the person’s knees to stabilize 

the body.


What is a pathogen?

 Harmful microorganisms that can cause disease.


What are the steps to take if a person seems to be in cardiac arrest?

1. Have someone call 911 or designated emergency number immediately

2. Begin CPR immediately

3. Use an AED as soon as possible.


What AED pad can you use on an adult?

A) A pediatric AED pad

B) An adult AED pad

C) Both

D) Neither 

Correct Answer is C. 

Pediatric pads can be used on adults but not the other way around.


What if the person is pregnant and needs care for choking?

Give chest thrusts instead of abdominal thrusts.


What if there is no apparent symptoms/signs?

Have the person rest in a comfortable position.


What is PPE?

Personal Protective Equipment- used to prevent pathogens from contacting your skin.
