Place the decimal in the correct spot...
12x 0.7 = 84
What is 8.4
If there is only one decimal total in the multiplication problem, how many decimals should be in the answer?
There should only be 1 decimal in the answer.
What is the place value of the 4?
4 x 10 =
How would you write the number 340 in expanded form?
300 + 40
Place the decimal in the correct spot...
8.4 x 3 = 252
What is 25.2
Place the decimal in the correct spot...
9.2 x 3.3 = 3036
What is 30.36
What is the place value of the 4?
4 tenths
When multiplying 3.5 times 10, what do you do with the decimal?
Move it to the right 1 time
How would you write the number 3,401 in expanded form?
3,000 + 400 + 1
Place the decimal in the correct spot...
25.2 x 1.2 = 3024
What is 30.24
When there is no decimal shown for a number, we know it is always where?
At the end of the number/At the far right like a period of a sentence
What is the place value of the 4?
4 tenths
How many times does the decimal move when multiplying by 1,000?
3 times
Write this number in standard form.
4,000 + 20 + 5
Place the decimal in the correct spot
30.24 x 252 = 762048
What is 7,620.48
Place the decimal in the correct spot...
4.8 x 3.21 = 15408
What is 15.408
What is the place value of the 4?
4 hundredths
Why does the decimal move 3 times when a number is being multiplied by 1,000?
Because there are 3 zeros, and that is how many times you have to move the decimal.
Write this number in standard form.
4,000 + 20 + 5 + 0.3
Place the decimal in the correct spot...
8.40 x 3 = 252
What is 25.2
(Remember, that 0 at the end has no value, so the number is actually 8.4)
Place the decimal in the correct spot...
15.408 x 0.3 = 46224
What is 4.6224
What is the place value of the 4?
4 ten thousandths
104 is the same as what number?
Remember, the exponent tells you how many zeros there will be.
Write this number in standard form.
3,000 + 700 + 5 + 0.6 + 0.009