Jesus' Family
Old Testament Celebrities

For it is written in Isaiah 7, "On that day the Lord will use a razor hired from beyond the Euphrates River - the King of Assyria - to shave the hair on your heads, the hair on your legs, and even your beards." This was said during the prophecy about a sign who would be born until a woman named...

Who is Mary, the mother of Jesus


Till this day, we have a hard time believing that God can use anyone, or at least we don't think that he will use us to do something great. This man had every excuse to walk away, but God said, where there's My Will, there's a way. He couldn't talk very well and he had murder on his rap sheet. But lo and behold, he watched his enemies drown and experience da da defeat.

Who is Moses?



Free 100 points, first come, first served! You will be the head and not the tail, AMEN


When you grow up around friends, you call them your play cousins. However, this guy was very serious even though his mom was a late bloomer. The first time he saw Jesus, he said 'no, you should do that for me.' Nonetheless, it was apart of God's plan so that Jesus could die for we.

Who is John the Baptist, cousin of Jesus


There's nothing like the Lord's Providence. Even after falling asleep on a boat, casting lots exposed him. The Lord's Grace is also unmeasurable. Even though he was arrogant, God still sent a branch to cover him.

Who is Jonah?


The first miracle!

What is turn the water into wine


Imagine not having any kids because of God's plan for your nephew. He was doubtful about his family's legacy, and then all of a sudden he became mute. At the end of the day, He was obedient, but not being able to say when he was hungry must have been inconvenient.

Who is Zechariah, Jesus' uncle


Imagine the president summons all the virgins, including you, to a beauty contest to be come the next first lady. Then, all of a sudden, the president wants to commit genocide. However, God's providence has your back. You stop the plot and it is revealed that you were selected for such a time as this. 

Who is Esther


Till this day, single women are trying to find a man like him. He knows what it means to provide security for his family. Throughout scripture, we have seen men that reflect characteristics of God; this man's actions saved a woman from calamity.

Who is Boaz


Its funny, the decisions that we make without a revelation. History almost repeated itself like that time with the father of many nations. This time around, an angel took the wheel, or he would have secretly broken up with her for real for real.

Who is Joseph, Jesus' earthly father


This guy made many mistakes and wrote many Psalms. Tracing his lineage to Jesus could take very long. In his prime, he rode on chariots with the top off. Using today's lingo, we would call him Pop Pop.

Who is King David?


Many times, the teachers of religious law and the leading priests wanted to arrest Jesus. So they tried to get Jesus to say things that could be reported to the Roman Governor. They once said, "Teacher...we know that you speak and teach what is right and are not influenced by what others think. You teach the way of God truthfully. Now tell us - is it right for us to pay taxes to Caesar or not?" Provide Jesus' final answer.

What is "Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and give to God what belongs to God." (It is acceptable to only say the 1st half of the answer)


His words cut deep like Paul's. He was also a servant, adhering to the call. Even though he didn't believe until after the cross, his lifetime of knowing Jesus was not a loss.

Who is James, brother of Jesus


This man was famous, unfortunately for the wrong reason. About him, Paul once said "When a potter makes jars out of clay, doesn't he have a right to use the same lump of clay to make one jar for decoration and another to throw garbage into?" Worst part is we still behave like him too.

Who is Pharaoh?


As one of the most successful kings of the Bible till this day, his actions showed the world that he don't play. He struck down altars and idols in God's own name. And when he fell sick, through prayer and petition, God saved the day. He gave him 15 more years to live after the prophet Isaiah came with a message to give.

Who is King Hezekiah
