Hand Washing
Hair, Skin, and Nails

The feeling you get when Steve didn’t wear deodorant today. He ran around during gym class and sweat a lot. After, he sat down next to his friend at lunch.

What is Gross, Awkward, Mad?


Name two parts of your face that you should avoid touching.

Nose (in your nostrils) and mouth

Name 1 way to help with chapped lips.

Wear chapstick, lip balm, and/or exfoliate your lips.

How do you care for your nails?

Trim and clean under your nails.


The feeling you get when Jasmine went to the bathroom at school. She walked out of the bathroom without washing her hands, and a few of her classmates noticed.

What is grossed out and anxious about spreading germs?


What are good practices for taking care of your nails?

Keep them trim and clean.  Do not bite your nails and cuticles.


What two habits are most important for clean teeth?

Brush your teeth twice a day and floss.

How often do you wear Deodorant?

Every day and reapply after exercise


The feeling you get when Taylor didn’t brush her teeth this morning. She sees her friend Morgan in the hallway and stops to chat with her.  

What is confused?


Name 3 times when you should wash your hands.

  • before eating meals

  • after using the restroom

  • after touching pets

  • during illness outbreaks such as coughing and sneezing, 

  • touching surfaces in public places


Give one piece of advice to have good dental health.

Don't brush too hard, make sure you cover every service, etc.

How often should you shower?



The thought you get when Arianna was at her friend’s house for dinner. When she coughed, she didn’t cover with her arm or her hand.  

What is that's bad manners and unsanitary?

The benefit of good handwashing practices.

What is prevent the spread of germs and diseases?


What are additional habits that help with good oral hygiene?

Mouthwash, tongue brushing/scraping


Name 2 ways to care for the skin on your face.

  • Avoid picking at your skin

  • Use a quality cleanser that is made for your face (Neutrogena, Cerave)

  • Moisturize your skin and drink water

  • Wear sunscreen

  • Exfoliate and use moisturizer for chapped lips (Burt’s bees, Eos)


The question you think Daisy is at a sleepover with her friends. She hasn’t washed her hair in a while, so her hair is greasy, and she keeps scratching her itchy scalp.  

What is does she wash her hair and does she have lice?


Describe all the steps to properly washing your hands.

  1. Wet your hands with clean, running water (warm or cold), turn off the tap, and apply soap.
  2. Lather your hands by rubbing them together with the soap. ...
  3. Scrub your hands all over for 40 seconds.
  4. Rinse your hands well under clean, running water.
  5. Dry your hands using a clean towel or an air dryer.

Name two benefits of good oral hygiene.

  1. Better breath

  2. Nicer smile without film on teeth

  3. Healthy teeth, less dentist visits

  4. Lowers risk for heart disease, stroke, and diabetes


2 things that showering prevents

fungus, rashes, infection, odors, illness
