What christmas drink is referred to as “Milk Punch”?
How many grandkids does Nannie have?
This person hit an 8 handicap in golf in 2023. Who was it?
True but we will also accept false
How many horses does Olivia own?
2; Lovely and Diesel
What brings Frosty the Snowman to life?
An old silk hat
When is Nannie‘s birthday?
June 1
This pet farts every time they jump on the bed or couch. Who is it?
How many great grandchildren does Papa have?
What sport is Ben wanting to get into?
Go-Cart racing
In what movie is the line “you’ll shoot your eye out kid”?
A Christmas Story
What did Nannie gift everyone on Easter?
Stuffed bunny rabbits and candy
This person is looking to show horses for the very first time in 2024. Who is it?
Pammy P aka my Mom!
When is Papas birthday?
October 16
What is Roger‘s racing number?
What is the Grinch’s dogs name?
What was Nannie’s catchphrase when we were children?
“You little Stinker”
This person sang/yelled, “Ride Sally Ride” in public. Who was it?
Roger, he did it for a TikTok Olivia was making
What is Papa’s favorite type of alcohol?
What is David’s favorite vegetable?
“Broccoli duh”
What country started the tradition of putting up a Christmas tree?
What color shirt did Nannie wear to her 80th birthday lunch?
This person was “Maid of Dishonor” at Hannah’s Bachelorette party. Who was it?
Samantha And Olivia were both Maid of Dishonor! Mom was the Designated Drunk Driver
What is Papa’s current catchphrase?
“Who loves you?”
True or False: Olivia made over 100 TikToks in 2023