The holiday that lands on October 31st each year.
This activity involves a squash, scoop, and a carving knife
Pumpkin carving
Why do trees hate going to school?
Because they're easily stumped
Most popular fall fruit
Four most common colors associated with fall
What is red, yellow, orange and brown
How many varieties of apples are there?
A. 2,500
B. 5,200
C. 7,500
C. 7,500 types in total.
There are about 2,500 varieties grown in the US and 7,500 varieties grown worldwide.
The month that contains the first day of fall
These are made for fun but also to scare off birds from damaging or eating crops
How do you fix a pumpkin?
With a pumpkin patch
Most common dish served at Thanksgiving
Another name for fall
______ forget about the majority of nuts they bury, which helps regrow forests.
A. Squirrels
B. Ants
C. Rabbits
A. Squirrels
Throughout the fall, squirrels spend their days collecting and "caching" nuts, meaning they hide the tasty treasures away in spots where they hope to find them later. One 1998 study by the University of Richmond found that squirrels fail to recover up to 74 percent of the nuts they bury, which is likely responsible for oak forest regeneration.
Holiday celebrated by Canadians and Americans on different days.
This activity can involve pitching, roasting, grilling, fishing, and telling stories.
What kind of vest do you wear in the fall?
A popular baked pastry dish made with either fruit or meat and vegetables.
The one type of tree that never loses it's leaves or color (Hint is in the name)
An evergreen tree
Americans buy enough candy during Halloween week to fill six ____.
A. Titanics
B. Football Fields
C. Grocery Stores
A. Titanics
On Halloween, we spend an estimated $9 billion on it. In fact, according to Vox, "If you took all the candy that's sold during Halloween week and turned it into a giant ball … it'd be as large as six Titanics and weigh 300,000 tons."
Day after a holiday where people shop some of the best deals of the year.
Black Friday
Families most commonly go out to pick these two food items in the fall
Pumpkins and apples
Why shouldn’t you tell a secret in a cornfield?
Because the corn has ears
Popular seasonal drink flavor in the fall
Pumpkin spice
Name 2 of the 3 most consumed fall drinks.
Hot Chocolate, Apple Cider, Pumpkin Spice Latte
The smell of the first rain of the season has a name.
A. Petrichor
B. Monsoon
C. First Fall
A. Petrichor
Petrichor is "a distinctive, earthy, usually pleasant odor that is associated with rainfall especially when following a warm, dry period and that arises from a combination of volatile plant oils and geosmin released from the soil into the air and by ozone carried by downdrafts.
The month that contains the last day of fall
This "sporting event" happens over the Thanksgiving weekend
The Turkey Bowl
How do trees get onto the internet?
They 'log' in
A sticky treat made specially during Halloween and fall harvest (Hint: it is served on a stick)
Candy apple
Animals do this during the fall to prepare for winter
Hibernate and/or store food
Which one of the words below is associated with the sound of wind in the trees and rustling leaves.
A. Psithurism
B. Praire
C. bract
A. Psithurism
The sound of leaves and trees rustling in the wind is considered one of the most satisfying noises of the season. And the next time you hear it, you'll know it has a name: psithurism, which comes from the Greek word psithuros, meaning whispering (the s is silent).
This holiday honors people who fought for our country
Veterans Day
This fall sport is widely considered to be the most popular sport in the world
Soccer (Futball)
What do you get when you divide the circumference of a jack-o-lantern by it's diameter?
Pumpkin Pi
A pumpkin is made up of approximately how much water?
A. 45%
B. 60%
C. 80%
C. 80% Pumpkins are 80-90% water
Besides pies, what were pumpkins also used for in the old days?
To remove freckles and cure snake bites.
The largest pumpkin pie ever weighed nearly ____ pounds.
A. 3,700
B. 2,500
C. 1,000
A. 3,700
According to Guinness World Records, the pie measured 20 feet in diameter, weighed 3,699 pounds, and required 440 sheets of dough. It was made by the New Bremen Giant Pumpkin Growers in Ohio in September 2010.