A Mexican holiday traditionally celebrated on November 1 and 2
Day of the Dead or Dia de Muertos
Nov. 1 marks the end of this weather season which brings strong wind and flooding
Hurricane Seasone
The term used to identify a carved pumpkin
Jack O Lantern
This nut is used to make this classic pie
Another word for fall
Celebrated on the third Thursday of November
What leaves do during the fall
change colors / fall off the tree
Name two colors associated with fall
yellow, orange, brown, red
The Fair
Halloween movie that features the Sanders sisters
Hocus Pocus
What holiday is celebrated November 11th
Veteran's Day
Birds travel this direction in the fall to find warmer temperatures
The animal we associate with Halloween and bad luck
The black cat
Is a pumpkin a fruit or vegetable
A fruit
What sport do people gather to watch during the fall?
Happens at the end of fall, causing clocks to be set back
Daylight Saving Time ends
This happens to the amount of daylight in the fall
it decreases (gets shorter)
This Halloween fruit grows on a vine
Cranberries grow in water. True or false
If you throw a pumpkin in water, will it sink or float
The chances of this weather increases starting November 1st in Bakersfield
Resembles a human figure and used to scare away birds
Hot drink made from apples
Apple cider
What is the name of the parade Americans watch on Thanksgiving
The Macy's Day Parade