Who sings the song more than a woman?
The Bee Gees
What was the main characters in Bad Boys?
Will Smith & Martin Lawrence
A specialist medical doctor who manages diseases related to skin, hair, nails, and some cosmetic problems.
Who gave I have a dream speech?
Martin Luther King Jr
What type of fish is Nemo?
Who is the leader of NWA?
Who was the main character in wolf of wall street?
Leonardo DiCapro
The person monitoring pain management before, during, and after surgery or medical procedures
Who refused to give their seat to a lady on the bus?
Rosa Parks
Where is the Statue of Liberty located?
New York
What song of this singer is main song in the Titanic?
My heart will go on
Who played the role of Rachel Green in the show friends?
Jennifer Aniston
The study of the cause, prognosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases related to blood.
Famous for her pancakes
Aunt Jemima
Who wrote the Tale-Tell-Heart
Edgar Allen Poe
Who sings the song "My girl"
In this movie his best friend is a teddy bear and there thunder buddies?
Mark Whalburg
Specialists care for people with cancer.
Who did JFK have an affair with ?
Marilyn Monroe
How many players make up a hockey field team?
Which song was inspired by her break up with her long-time partner sang by Whitney Houston?
I will always love you
What actor played the role of Rose Nyland in Golden Girls?
Golden Girls
Doctor who focuses on the digestive system. This includes the esophagus, pancreas, stomach, liver?
What was the deadliest pandemic in history?
The black death
How long is an elephant pregnant before is gives birth?
22 Months