Daily Double: 3 parts to Lobby Intro in your best philly fan voice
What is Name, Teaser, Restrictions?
Orange Standard for Conversion %
What is 19%?
Order for the Fitness Orientation for our brand new guests
What is Tread, Floor, Rower?
The difference between "closing" and "conversion"
What is closing is directly related to intro count while conversion is lead to join?
#1 metric of retention
What is 120 day member retention?
Rower base and Warm up
What is 18-24 strokes per minute?
Closing percentage, according to Orange Standard
What is 55%?
Daily Double: What are the 8 steps to the First Visit Process and Who owns each step?
1. Beat the Greet
2. Client Intake
3. Intro to OTF
4. Handoff
5. Fitness Orientation
6. Workout
7. Handback
8. Close
The OTBeat Burn comes fully charged. True or False
What is True? Just needs to be plugged in and jumpstarted from factory reset mode.
Orange Standard goal % for 120 day member retention
What is 80%+?
3Cs is an acronym for what
What is Correct, Connect, Customize?
Goal for % of intros booked from leads, according to our Orange Standard
What is 50%?
Core 4 questions
What is current fitness routine, top 3 goals and why, keeping you from accomplishing and how long have you been thinking about these goals?
Important elements of qualifying a lead are:
What is call ahead: Local, goals, get CC, book w/in 48 hours?
Daily Double: Hasn't been into studio in 2 weeks...GO!
Get them prebooked, coach consult?, what days/times have they come in past? Why?
Daily Double: Give the ORDER acronym.
Encourage Interaction
Ready, Set, Go
Orange Standard for intro show %
What is 65%?
Daily Double: What information should be included in the Handback?
1. Workout Summary Overview + OTbeat recommendation
2. Exercise Prescription
3. Class Recommendations + Pre-booking
4. Handback to SA
Daily Double: Provide a Choice Architecture example
What is does 6 month premier or month to month work best for you?
OTBeat worked great for you today. Would you like to pay in full or we can offer 3 monthly installments.
Best metric for utilization and goal number with it.
What is workouts/member/week and 1.65+?
4 parts to the Floor Demo
What is start, move, finish and return?
Lead volume should be what % of your current recurring member base
What is 25%?
Give the BEST handback acronym
What is Body Language, Effective Listening, Specifics, Teamwork?
Daily Double: Role Play a "financial" objection scenario
Respond-with empathy
Recap-what they heard
Recommend-additional options
Daily Double: In person cancel: Not today Barbara (no time)!
Save or downgrade