What is a IV push pain medication?
Name a normal saline type?
The nurse needs to check two identifiers to make sure it’s the..
The Right Patient
What supplies(3) does the nurse need or this method?
Primary iv tubing, secondary iv tubing, hook
What is a sign and symptom of iv site complication?
Redness at IV site
What is an IV push diuretic?
What electrolyte can be added to normal saline?
The nurse needs to check the label to ensure it’s the..
The Right Medication
Is the primary or secondary hung lower?
Name another complication at the iv site?
What is a IV push steroid?
What does the nurse do if there’s no sticker with date?
The nurse is to replace all bags and tubing.
The nurse needs to check the medication label against the EMAR for…
The Right Dose
Where does the secondary tubing attach to?
The needleless port above the pump
What bacterial infection can be caused by infiltration?
What is a IV push vitamin?
Vitamin B1(Thiamine)
Which IV antibiotic can’t be mixed with calcium containing solutions?
The nurse needs to verify the order and EMAR for the…
The Right Time and Route
What do you need to check before you hang secondary line?
What should the nurse assess for iv site management?
Date inserted, size of gauge needle, placement, patency, skin assessment, type of dressing, pain.
How long does it take for IV medication to be pushed?
2 to 3 minutes
Which iv solution cannot be hung with most other medications?
Lactated Ringers
The nurse needs to do this task for every medication…
The Right Documentation
How do you prime iv tubing?
Hand hygiene, remove cap from iv tubing spike, remove stopper from medication, insert the spike with force and twist, hang iv bag, unclamp, let solution go through the tubing, clamp again.
What is the difference between infiltration and extravasation?
Infiltration is caused by a non-vesicant fluid. Extravasating is caused by vesicant fluid.