IV Placement and Gauges
More Complications
CV Therapy and Math

Which type of tubing supplies large drops of fluid?



What's the preferred route of medication in emergencies?
A. I.V.
B. SubQ
C. I.M.
D. Oral

A. I.V.


Elderly patients are more prone to which complications of
I.V. therapy?
A. Hypersensitivity
B. Phlebitis
C. Infection
D. Extravasation

B. Phlebitis


A physician has written a prescription to discontinue an IV line. The nurse obtains which of the following supplies from the unit supply area for applying pressure to the site after removing the IV catheter?
A. Elastic wrap
B. Betadine swab
C. Adhesive bandage
D. Sterile 2x2 gauze

D. Sterile 2x2 gauze


The LPVN can do central line dressing changes true or false.



What gauge IV does the client need if they are getting a unit of blood?

20 or bigger


Which type of solution raises serum osmolarity and pulls fluid and electrolytes from the intracellular and interstitial compartments into the intravascular compartment?
A. Isotonic
B. Solvent
C. Hypotonic
D. Hypertonic

D. Hypertonic


The one way to prevent extravasation is by:
A. using a high-pressure pump to infuse vesicants.
B. using a small vein to insert the access device.
C. using a gauze dressing over the insertion site.
D. using an existing I.V. catheter only after patency has been assured.

D. using an existing I.V. catheter only after patency has been assured.


Your patient has swelling at the I.V. site, discomfort, burning, decreased skin temperature, and blanching around the site. These are signs of which of the following I.V. complications?
A. Phlebitis
B. Infiltration
C. Occlusion
D. Air embolism

B. Infiltration


The nurse is completing a time tape for a 1000 mL IV bag that is scheduled to infuse over 8 hours. The nurse has just placed the 11am marking at the 500 mL level. The nurse would place the mark for noon at which numerical level on the time tape? ____ mL



How often should an IV be flushed?

A) Only after each use

B) Every 48 hours 

C) Every 8 hours

D) Every shift

C) every 8 hours


I.V. medication may be indicated when:
A. the patient needs a slower therapeutic effect.
B. the medication can't be absorbed by the GI tract.
C. the medication given orally is stable in gastric juices.
D. the medication isn't irritating to muscle tissues.

B. the medication can't be absorbed by the GI tract.


The nurse is making initial rounds on the nursing unit to assess the condition of assigned clients. The nurse notes that a client's IV site is cool, pale, and swollen, and the solution is not infusing. The nurse concludes that which of the following complications has occurred.

A) Infection
B) Phlebitis
C) Infiltration
D) Thrombosis

C) Infiltration


The nurse nostes that the site of a client's peripheral IV catheter is reddened, warm, painful, and slightly edematous proximal to the insertion point of the IV catheter. After taking appropriate steps to care for the client, the nurse documents in the medical record that the client experienced:
A) Phlebitis of the vein
B) Infiltration of the IV line
C) Hypersensitivity to the IV solution
D) Allergic reaction to the IV catheter material

A) Phlebitis of the vein


An 89-year-old patient with a history of heart failure has an I.V. solution that's being infused through microdrip tubing. Microdrip tubing delivers how many drops per milliliter?
A. 10 gtt
B. 20 gtt
C. 60 gtt
D. 80 gtt

C. 60 gtt


If a patient is expected to need multiple IVs or an extended hospitalization, it is best to choose which of the following sites for the first IV placement?

A) Antecubital focca

B) Non-dominant hand

C) Dominant forearm

D) Non-dominant upper arm

B) Dominant Forearm


A client with the recent diagnosis of MI and impaired renal function is recuperating on the step-down cardiac unit. The client's blood pressure has been borderline low and IV fluids have been infusing at 100 mL /hr via a central line catheter in the right internal jugular for approx 24 hours to increase renal output and maintain the blood pressure. Upon entering the client's room, the nurse notes that the client is breathing rapidly and is coughing. The nurse determines that the client is most likely experiencing which complication of IV therapy.
A) Hematoma
B) Air embolism
C) Systemic infection
D) Circulatory overload

D) Circulatory overload


This group works to ensure a higher level of care while decreasing liabilities.

A) Social workers

B) Case managers

C)Risk management

D)Change nurses

C) Risk management


The nurse is preparing a continuous IV infusion at the medication cart. As the nurse goes to attach the distal end of the IV tubing to a needleless device,the exposed tubing drops and hits the top of the medication cart. Which of the following is the appropriate action by the nurse?
A) Obtain new IV tubing
B) Attach a new needleless device.
C) Wipe the distal end of the tubing with Betadine
D) Scrub the needleless device with an alcohol swab

A) Obtain new IV tubing


The advantages of CV therapy include:
A. ability to rapidly infuse fluids, draw blood specimens, and measure CV pressure.
B. minimal or no complications on insertion.
C. increased patient mobility.
D. decreased risk of infection.

A. ability to rapidly infuse fluids, draw blood specimens, and measure CV pressure.


The nurse is inserting an IV line into a client's vein. After the initial stick, the nurse continues to advance the catheter if:
A) The catheter advances easily
B) The vein is distended under the needle
C) The client does not complain of discomfort
D) Blood return shows in the backflash chamber of the catheter.

D) Blood return shows in the backflash chamber of the catheter.


This is when foreign material occludes an artery in the pulmonary circulation, causing respiratory distress

Pulmonary Embolism


Which of the following clients are most likely to develop circulatory overload? (select all that apply)
1. A premature infant
2. A 101-year-old man
3. The client on renal dialysis
4. The client with diabetes mellitus
5. A 29-year-old woman with pneumonia
6. The client with CHF

1. A premature infant
2. A 101-year-old man
3. The client on renal dialysis

6. The client with CHF


The nurse received an order to insert an IV on a client that recently had thrombophlebitis. During an IV insertion, the nurse applies the tourniquet and notices the vein feels hard and rope-like. The nurse should:

A) Use it, it's the best choice for an IV

B) Stretch it to prevent rolling

C) Select another site

D) Have the patient relax his/her fist

C) Select another site


In CV therapy, an access device is inserted with its tip in the:
A. inferior vena cava or right atrium.
B. superior or inferior vena cava.
C. superior vena cava or right atrium.
D. right atrium or right ventricle.

B. superior or inferior vena cava.
