Vision & Visuality
Power & Visuality: The institutions
Modernity, Spectatorship & the Gaze
In Free Fall: Realism & Perspective
Media & Everyday life

In semiotics, this represents what is meant

The Signified


This author wrote "The death of an author"

Who is Roland Barthes


Representations of the East as exotic, feminine, weak and vulnerable reflect and define how the West views itself as rational, masculine and powerful is an example of this theory from Edward Said

What is Orientalism

This challenge to perspective was also featured in Kent Monkman's film "The Casualities of Modernity."

What is Cubism


This theorist feared that the increased dissemination of information by radio and TV broadcasts could increase dominant ideologies of the ruling class and state (government) interests

Karl Marx


This author examines how power is enacted and upheld in ways that privilege the visual.

Who is Nicholas Mizroeff


The title of the 1979 book where Pierre Bourdieu talks about how ideas of taste and and bad taste are socially constructed

What is Disctinction


This movement entailed intensive transformation of visual technologies in the arts

What is Modernism

Unofficial art was seen as a threat to Soviet ideology of this type of realism even as late as the 1970s

What is Socialist Realism


This refers to the conventions in which audiences receive regularly programmed entertainment shows or news about world events, usually from a centralized mass distribution source such as a newspaper corporation, television network, major film studio, or news and entertainment media conglomerate. 

What is Mass Media


This process is used with images and imaging practices to intervene in violence, inequality, and social injustice.

What is counter-visuality


People with the same _____ often have similar opinions on politics, society, and other important topics because they follow these shared ideas.



The rise of industrialism, scientific rationalism, and the introduction of the market economy are all features of this

What is Modernity


Foucault, in the Order of Things, used this term to describe the way that an inquiry into truth and the real is organized in a given era

What is an Epistime


Guy Debord's book ____ starts by explaining that the world is an immense accumulation of images that sell capitalism. 

What is the Society of Spectacle


This philosophy was developed alongside the myth of photographic truth and is a philosophy that scientific knowledge is the only authentic knowledge/truth

What is positivism


This author developed a theory that there are three types of readers, dominant, negotiated and oppositional

Stuart Hall


The concept of the "Other" was developed by this author

Who is George Friedrich Wilhelm Hegel 


In "In free fall: Realism and Perspective," Hito Steyerl says of this painting by this author, "the horizon line, if distinguishable at all, is tilted, curved, and troubled. The observer has lost his stable position." 

What is The Slave Ship by JMW Turner


Medium angel Anne could be an example of this phrase by Marshall Mcluhan

What is "The Medium is the Message."


Who wrote the text "What do pictures want?"

Who is W.J.T Mitchell


This way of making art draws on writings by Michel Foucault about the function of institutions, such as asylums and prisons, in the production of particular forms of knowledge and states of being. 

Institutional Critique


This author expanded on Jeremy Bentham’s concept of the panopticon to explain how we participate in practices of self-regulation in response to Systems of Surveillance

Who is Foucault?


Which english art critic said this "every drawing or painting that used perspective,” he stated, “proposed to the spectator that he was the unique centre of the world.

Who is John Berger


The chapter of this book from De Certeau's The Pratice of Everyday Life introduces the practice of walking as a social mediation

What is Walking in the City
