Describe the following events, and sailors involved:
Mercury 3
Gemini 3
Apollo 11
Apollo 17
Space Transmission System (STS-1)
Mercury 3: First U.S manned space flight / 1961 (Alan B. Shepard)
Gemini 3: First 2-man space flight (completed 3 orbits) 1965 John Young
Apollo 11: First U.S Lunar Landing / 1969 Neil Armstrong
Apollo 17: U.S Navy's seventh and final lunar landing / 1972 Eugene Cernan / Ronald Evans
STS-1: U.S Navy's First space shuttle / 1981 John Young / Robert Crippen
Identify the functions, by layer, of the following models.
OSI Model
TCP IP Model
7. Application (Interface of the application/GUI)
6. Presentation (Transforms data for (STD) Standard Interface)
5. Session (Connection computer to computer)
4. Transport (End to end connection, reliability)
3. Network (Logical Addressing, IP)
2. Data Link (Physical Addressing, MAC)
1. Physical (Media, Binary)
Network Interface
Discuss the purpose of a Red Cross message
Emergency communications to inform active-duty members of a death or life-threatening injury / illness of a family member.
Define OPSEC
Denying adversaries sensitive but unclassified information regarding our planning, processes or ops, and regularly assessing out ability to prevent exploitation.
How does Naval Oceanography support the information, Dominance Mission?
Provides information that could affect collection.
What three classes of Naval vessels existed at the inception of the U.S Navy / How many guns did they carry?
Ships of the Line: Carried 64-100 guns
Frigates: Carried 28-44 guns
Sloops of War: Carried 10-20 guns
Describe function and risk associated with the following activities:
Network Enumeration
Buffer Overflow
SQL Injection
Dictionary Attack
Privilege Escalation
Brute Force Attack
Social Engineering
Rainbow Table
Denial of Service
(DDOS) Distributed Denial of Service
Network Enumeration: Computer Activity that retrieves details about a specific network.
Buffer Overflow: Overloads a programs stack (or buffer) to force an output of all its information.
SQL Injection: Code Injection technique that checks every word in a specific dictionary.
Dictionary Attack: Password cracking technique that checks every word in a specific dictionary.
Privilege Escalation: Exploit that gives a user unauthorized privileged access.
Brute Force Attack: Attack that breaks an encryption or authorization system by trying all possibilities.
Social Engineering: Tricking a user into giving access to sensitive information.
Rainbow Table: Precompiled table for reversing cryptographic hash functions
Denial of Service: Interruption of an authorized users access to a computer network.
(DDOS) Distributed Denial of Service: Interruption of an entire network by flooding it with data sent simultaneously from multiple bots called a botnet or zombies.
Discuss GINGERBREAD and EXPLAIN the procedures involved.
Imitative voice deception:
Notifies all network participants there may be an unauthorized user listening in.
State the Objectives of Naval intelligence.
Support the Commander
Protect the Force
Identify the centers of gravity
Support Operation
Support Planning
Define the following:
Apogee: Farthest Away from the center of the earth.
Perigee: Closes to the center of the earth.
Define the term CASREP and explain the four categories.
Used in the event of an equipment malfunction that cannot be corrected within 2 days.
Reduces the unit's ability to perform a primary/secondary/training commands mission.
Categories include:
1) Used only at training commands
2) Partial loss in secondary mission
3) Total loss of secondary mission or partial loss of primary
4) Total loss of at least one primary mission
Define (CIANA)
Confidentiality: Information not disclosed too unauthorized personnel / facilities
Integrity: Information is not modified by unauthorized parties
Availability: Timely, reliable access to data and information systems.
Non-repudiation: Proof of sending and receiving by both parties
Authentication: Validity of transmission
Identify the following types of RADAR, their functions, and give examples of each.
Air Surface: Developed for the detection of aerial threats and aircrafts (Commonly Used by Air Traffic Controllers)
Surface Search: Detection and determination of accurate ranges of surfaces targets
Fire control: Designed to provide information to fire-systems to lead weapons to hit a desired target.
Describe the following:
HUMINT: Human Intelligence
OSINT: Open-Source Intelligence
MASINT: Measurement and Signature (Heat) Intelligence
SIGINT: Signals Intelligence
COMINT: Communications Intelligence
FISINT: Foreign Instrumentations Signals (Telemetry Data) intelligence
ELINT: Electronic Intelligence
IMINT: Imagery Intelligence
ACINT: Acoustic Intelligence
Define the steps of MILDEC.
Deception Analysis
Deception Planning
Staff Deception estimate
Commander Deception estimate
Deception Plan development
One more not known will find.
Describe the six programs of Brilliant on the Basics.
Assign a mentorship
Ombudsman support
Recognizing Sailors
Explain the following network terminology:
Topology: Types of network construction (BUS/MESH/RING/STAR)
LAN: Covers small physical area (Local)
WAN: Covers a broad / regional area (WIDE)
MAN: Spans across a city or large campus (Metropolitan)
GAN: Covers an unlimited geographical area (Global)
VLAN: Groups of devices on one or more LAN's that are configured to communicate as if they were one
State the purpose of Emissions Control (EMCON)
Controll of all electromagnetic and acoustic radiations
During it imposition, emitting device within designated bands will be operated unless essential.
A: Most restrictive
D: Least restrictive
Describe to Communications capabilities of transmissions in of the bands listed below:
ELF (Extremely Low): 3Hz-30Hz {Long-Ranged signals to submerged subs operating beyond normal mission depth}
SLF (Super Low): 30Hz-300Hz {Deep Sea Communications Systems}
ULF (Ultra Low): 300Hz-3KHz {Radio Communications in Mines}
VLF (Very Low): 3KHz-30KHz {Long range signals to subs operating at normal mission speeds and depths}
LF (Low): 30KHz-300KHz {Not seriously affected during times of Ionospheric disturbance}
MF (Medium): 300KHz- 3MHz {Ground wave transmissions in the lower portion of MF band}
HF (High): 3MHz-30MHz {Medium and Long-range terrestrial radio comms}
VHF (Very High): 30 MHz - 300MHz {Line of sight or just beyond}
UHF (Ultra High): 300 MHz - 3 GHz {Tactical voice transmissions}
SHF (Super High): 3GHz-30GHz {Radar and satellite comms}
EHF (Extremely High Frequency): 30 GHz-300GHz / {Radio astronomy}
Describe the significance of the battle of Guadalcanal and Describe the Voyage of the Great White Fleet.
Halfsies if you get one correct 200 points.
Guadalcanal: First Major offensive action of the Pacific war (USS Juneau was torpedoed) / Family Separation Act (Nov 1942)
Great White Fleet: 14 Month voyage to display naval dominance (Dec 1907-Feb 1909)
16 new battle ships display by Theodore Rosevelt.
Describe the Historical significance of the following events as they relate to information warfare:
The On-The-Roof-gang
The Purple Code
Battle of Midway
Attack on the USS Liberty
Capture of the USS Pueblo
D-Day Landing
Landing at Inchon
EP-3E Hainan Island
Bletchley Park
Navajo Code Talkers
Attack on USS Stark
EC-121 Shoot Down
The On-The-Roof-gang: Cornerstone of cryptology, located on top of the old ONI building. 176 Radioman. (1928-1941)
The Purple Code: Japanese diplomatic code used during WW2.Carried in purple folders
Battle of Midway: Due to cryptologic achievements, we knew attack plans on Midway.
Attack on the USS Liberty: Attacked by Israeli naval forces / Largest Loss of cryptologic life
Capture of the USS Pueblo: North Koreans captured the pueblo in international waters (Jan 23rd, 1968)
D-Day Landing: General Eisenhower decided to proceed with the Neptune phase of operation overload on June 6th, 1942, due to prediction of favorable weather conditions across the English Channel.
Lading of Inchon: Navigate Inchon waters for collection, high and low tides / sent spies to Inchon south Korea to map out the region.
EP-3E Hainan Island:
Standard recon mission over China (crashed into a Chinese fighter) detained for 10 days.
Bletchley Park:
WW2 mansion in the United Kingdom used as cryptologic HQ. / Founded as Government Code and Cipher School in 1938 (Deciphered the Enigma)
Navajo Code Talkers:
The wind talkers took part in every assault the U.S, Marines Conducted in WW2
Attack on USS Stark:
USS Stark (FFG-31 / Collection Ship) attacked by an Iraqi fighter during Iran Iraq war. / Total EW breakdown (no return fire)
EC-121 Shoot Down:
Fired upon by north Korea during a routing flight operation. / Largest loss of Naval Aviation life.
Define the following:
Root Level Intrusion
User Level Intrusion
Denial of service
Malicious Logic
Unsuccessful Activity Attempt
Non-Compliance Activity
Explained Anomaly
Root Level Intrusion: (incident) Unauthorized privileged access
User Level Intrusion: (incident) Unauthorized non-privileged access
Denial of service: (incident) Denial of normal functions or capabilities
Malicious Logic: (Incident) installation of software for the purpose of gaining unauthorized access.
Unsuccessful Activity Attempt: (Event) Attempt to gain unauthorized access that is caught.
Non-Compliance Activity: (Event) Exposes DoD systems to risk due to actions of users
Reconnaissance: (Event) Activity to gain information that characterizes DoD networks
Investigating: (Event) Events with potential malware that's deemed suspicious and warrant further research
Explained Anomaly: (Event) Suspicious events that are determined to be non-malicious activity.
Describe the mission of the following primary warfare areas.
ASW: Anti-Submarine Warfare/ Denying the enemy the effective use of submarines.
SUW: Surface Warfare / Dominate the seas, maintain commercial lanes.
IW: Information Warfare / Maintain information superiority
AW: Air Warfare / Denying the enemy the effective use of airspace.
STW: Strike Warfare / Strike planning and execution.
NSW: Navy Special Warfare / Experts in recon and direct-action missions.
Discuss the following terms and give a description of what each means in relation to the atmosphere:
Radio Waves:
Azimuth Angle:
Elevation Angle:
Troposphere-(Lowest-Level) weather conditions occur in this layer and greatly affect radio waves.
Stratosphere-(Middle-Level) constant temperature, little water vapor and has little effect on radio waves
Ionosphere-(Highest-Level): contains four cloud-like layers of electrically charged IONS enabling radio waves to be propagated to great distances around the earth.
Frequency: {Number of cycles over a given period of time}
Radio Waves: {From of radiant energy that can't be seen or felt / Generated by a transmitter}
Propagation: Movement through a medium / Light bulb fills room with light
Azimuth Angle: {Measurement in the horizontal plane in a 360-degree clockwise direction / Away from true North}
Elevation Angle: {Angle between the horizon and the Line of Sight.}
State the location, Mission, and component commands for the following:
PACOM: Hawaii (Camp H.M Smith) / All of the Pacific / Pac Fleet 3rd / 7th
EUCOM: Stuttgart, Germany / Greenland to Israel / Naval Forces Europe (2nd / 6th)
SOUTHCOM: Miami, Florida / Central and South America, The Caribbean and militarization of the Panama Canal. Navy South command 4th fleet.
CENTCOM: Tampa, Florida / Middle East HOA and Central Asia / NAVCENT (5th)
NORTHCOM: Colorado Springs, Peterson AFB / Homeland Defense, Canada and Mexico / Fleet Forces Command (3rd/ 4th/ 7th)
SOCOM: Tampa, Florida (MacDill AFB) Provide capable special ops forces to defend the US / Army SpecOps command / Naval SpecOps command.
TRANSCOM: Illinois (Scott AFB)/ Provide air land and sea transportation / Military sealift command / Air mobility command
STRATCOM: Nebraska (Offutt AFB) / Employs tailored nuclear, cyber, space global strike, joint electronic warfare. US Cybercom / JFCC Space
AFRICOM: Stuttgart, Germany / Africa except Egypt / Naval forces Europe (5th and 6th)
(Prevention of war)