Multiple Choice #1
Multiple Choice #2
Order of Events

Which inference about the wellbeing of Martin’s family is best supported by page 229?

A. The loss of Martin’s father’s income was a blow, but not a ruinous one.

B. Martin and his brother are hard workers, and able to help make ends meet.

C. The family would be destitute without the support of Caitlin’s family.

D. Even with the help of Caitlin’s family, they are in a terrible situation.

C. The family would be destitute without the support of Caitlin’s family.

Martin makes it clear that his family’s survival is in the hands of Caitlin and her parents.


In Part 4 the first care package was sent by Caitlin and her family. Which of the following were not included in the box?

A. Tarps

B. Water purification tablets

C. Coloring books

D. Nikes

C. Coloring books


Match the vocabulary word to its corresponding synonym. (What word from StudySync)

incoherent = ? 



Which of the following events from the text occurred First:

A. Martin and Nation take their sick mother to the hospital. 

B. Martin’s mother uses some of Caitlin’s letters to plug holes in their home’s leaky walls. 

c. Martin receives a full scholarship from the Delta Corporation. 

D. Catlin meets Damon at the mall and gives him her phone number. 

E. Caitlin sends out college inquiry e-mails on Martin’s behalf.

B. Martin’s mother uses some of Caitlin’s letters to plug holes in their home’s leaky walls.


Caitlin attributes Damon’s sensitivity on page 252 mainly to .

A. the way he was raised by his parents. 

B. his father’s medical condition.

C. deeply traumatic events that he suffered in childhood.

D. a love of furry animals. 

B. his father’s medical condition. 

His father’s condition requires sacrifices and understanding from the family.


Why do Martin and Rabbit get along so well?

A. They both loved Ricky Martin.

B. They are in the same classes.

C. They both came from a very poor family but were top students at their schools.

D. They both gre up together.

C. They both came from a very poor family but were top students at their schools.


Match the vocabulary word to its corresponding synonym. (What word from StudySync)

intimidating = ?



Which of the following events from the text occurred Second:

A. Martin and Nation take their sick mother to the hospital. 

B. Martin’s mother uses some of Caitlin’s letters to plug holes in their home’s leaky walls. 

c. Martin receives a full scholarship from the Delta Corporation. 

D. Catlin meets Damon at the mall and gives him her phone number. 

E. Caitlin sends out college inquiry e-mails on Martin’s behalf.

D. Catlin meets Damon at the mall and gives him her phone number.


Alois’ inability to fund Martin’s full Marist Brothers tuition could best be described as ...

A. selfish

B. tragic

C. fortunate

D. understandable

D. understandable

Though he generously pays the deposit for Martin, Alois does not have the resources to pay the full tuition.


Which of the following inferences about Caitlin’s education plans is best supported by page 263?

A. She is jealous of Martin’s success and vows to study harder.

B. Her goals are at odds with what her parents want her to do.

C. She is partially motivated by Martin’s strong example.

D. Her desire to study medicine is inspired by Martin’s goals.

C. She is partially motivated by Martin’s strong example.

Martin’s college plans clearly seem to have a positive impact on her own ideas.


Match the vocabulary word to its corresponding synonym. (What word from StudySync)

implements = ?



Which of the following events from the text occurred Third:

A. Martin and Nation take their sick mother to the hospital. 

B. Martin’s mother uses some of Caitlin’s letters to plug holes in their home’s leaky walls. 

C. Martin receives a full scholarship from the Delta Corporation. 

D. Catlin meets Damon at the mall and gives him her phone number. 

E. Caitlin sends out college inquiry e-mails on Martin’s behalf.

C. Martin receives a full scholarship from the Delta Corporation.


Martin receiving a full scholarship to Marist Brothers on pages 258-260 mainly shows that Martin .

A. is mystified why he would receive such an honor.

B. is being recognized for his great diligence and hard work

C. got very lucky in being randomly selected

D. has managed to outsmart Mr. Muzawazi

B. is being recognized for his great diligence and hard work.

Martin was very likely selected due to his background and academic performance.


Which of these statements best describes the Zimbabwean hospital where Martin and Nation take their mother (p. 266-267)?

A. It is barely functioning and has no trained medical personnel.

B. It is more or less like an average hospital in the United States.

C. It is a clean and modern hospital for wealthier Zimbabweans

D. It is overcrowded, and patients must buy their own medical supplies outside.

D. It is overcrowded, and patients must buy their own medical supplies outside.

 Martin describes the necessity of having money to buy adequate medical care


Match the vocabulary word to its corresponding synonym. (What word from StudySync)

Wet = ?



Which of the following events from the text occurred Fourth:

A. Martin and Nation take their sick mother to the hospital. 

B. Martin’s mother uses some of Caitlin’s letters to plug holes in their home’s leaky walls. 

C. Martin receives a full scholarship from the Delta Corporation. 

D. Catlin meets Damon at the mall and gives him her phone number. 

E. Caitlin sends out college inquiry e-mails on Martin’s behalf.

E. Caitlin sends out college inquiry e-mails on Martin’s behalf.


Which of the following statements best describes Caitlin’s feelings toward Damon on pages 261-262?

A. She has begun to fall in love with him.

B. She is ready to break up with him, but has not found the right time to say it.

C. She is not as taken with him as he is with her.

D. She is madly in love with him.

A. She has begun to fall in love with him.

 She describes him as her first serious boyfriend.


The attitude of Martin’s mother toward riding home in a wheelbarrow (p. 268) could best be described as.

A. indifferent

B. melancholy

C. enraged

D. resistant

D. resistant

 She sees such a mode of transportation as undignified.


Match the vocabulary word to its corresponding synonym. (What word from StudySync)

distinguished =?



Which of the following events from the text occurred Fifth:

A. Martin and Nation take their sick mother to the hospital. 

B. Martin’s mother uses some of Caitlin’s letters to plug holes in their home’s leaky walls. 

C. Martin receives a full scholarship from the Delta Corporation. 

D. Catlin meets Damon at the mall and gives him her phone number. 

E. Caitlin sends out college inquiry e-mails on Martin’s behalf.

A. Martin and Nation take their sick mother to the hospital.
