Name three symptoms of the corona virus:
Cough, fever, difficulty breathing
Canada is the ___ largest country in the world.
Malvern Family Resource Centre.
Do you know which app our newcomer department has been using to conduct programs online for you folks?
You're on it right now. You can download it on your phones, or access it on your computer/laptops as well.
I have no doors but I have keys, I have no rooms but I do have a space, you can enter but you can never leave. What am I?
A Keyboard.
Symptoms may take up to ____ days to appear after exposure to COVID-19.
14 days
The country is divided into __ provinces and ___ territories.
10 provinces and three territories.
Name 3 MFRC program departments:
Newcomer, Youth, Women's Place, Early ON, Seniors, Middle years
Which app is the most popular to share your stories on?
Over 500 million stories are shared on this app every day.
Check out our malvernfc insta page for some interesting activities our staff have been posting!
I call the trees my home, yet I never go inside, and if I ever fall off the tree I will be surely be dead.
The leaves
How many metres/feet apart should you maintain social distancing?
1 metre (3 feet)
What is the national holiday of Canada and when is it celebrated?
Canada Day, July 1st
Name the two locations of MFRC:
90 Littles & 1321 Neilson Rd.
What app is the best for uploading videos?
Did you know that 300 hours of video are uploaded to youtube every minute?
What has a thumb but no fingers and is not living?
A mitten.
COVID-19 is a new disease that has not been previously identified in humans.
Canada has 10% of the world's forests.
You can become a volunteer at MFRC and earn hours during any time of the year.
You can volunteer with us at any time of the year, but first all you have to do is attend a volunteer orientation!
What you post online can be deleted and never be found again.
Once you post something, it stays posted so make sure you think twice about what you are sharing online.
Why did the teenager’s report card become very cold and freeze?
Because it was full of low C's and F's.
To protect yourself, make sure you:
clean your hands frequently and avoid touching your eyes, mouth, and nose.
How old is Canada turning this year?
Our agency has been in the community for ____ years.
37 years.
There are many myths going around about COVID-19. Which of these are myths?
1. You cannot catch COVID-19 if you live in a hot country.
2. If you can hold your breath for 10 seconds , it means you're free from COVID-19
3. Drinking alcohol will prevent you from COVID-19.
ALL are myths.
What happens four times in a teenager’s life, once in adult life and never in childhood?
The letter E.