What are the two time limits students have in the LevelUp Math Benchmark during a benchmark window?
- 3 minutes per question
- 60 minutes total
After creating a Common Assessment on a district account, this person needs to approve the assessment before it is visible to students.
Who is the primary account owner
The following students are eligible to complete the IXL Universal Reading Comprehension Screener.
Who are...
students in grades 3-8
This is LevelUp's full name
What is...
IXL LevelUp™ Math Benchmark Assessment
This new feature lets admins curate the most relevant skill plans for their district, guiding teachers to focus on resources that best align with district-wide objectives.
What is...
district spotlight
What is the possible score range for students in the LevelUp Math Benchmark?
The overall score range is 0-920. Currently, high-performing students may score up to two grades above their rostered level. For example, the maximum score a 5th grader can reach is 770.
Before creating a Common Assessment based on state standards or textbooks, this first needs to happen.
What is spotlighting a skill plan
When administrators set up a screener window, they can assign the screener to an entire ____ or ____ .
What is...
grade level or course
All assessments are completed here.
What is...
the arena (NOT the Diagnostic arena or Benchmark arena)
Video tutorials are available across these subjects and grade levels.
What is...
math (grades 1-PC) and ELA (PK-8)
What teacher reports currently include LevelUp data?
- Benchmark Overview
- Benchmark Strand Analysis
- (if available for that state) Benchmark Standards Proficiency
- Student Quickview
- Student Usage
- Live Classroom
- Progress and Growth
- Student Summary
Unlike Quizzes that are shared from teachers, when Common Assessments are shared with teachers, they are unable to do this.
What is modify the Common Assessment or make a copy.
Students in this grade level can take both IXL Universal Reading Screeners
What is 3rd grade
As of last week, the term "LevelUp" can be used to refer to this assessment(s).
What is the LevelUp Math Benchmark Assessment ONLY.
This type of skill plan will automatically appear in a district spotlight
What is...
a custom skill plan
How do the strands in the LevelUp Benchmark differ from the strands assessed in the Classic Diagnostic?
In the LevelUp Benchmark, strands will change by grade band.
When an admin is creating a new Common Assessment they are given options under "Scores shown to teachers" which defaults on the option to "hide scores." In this scenario, when will teachers be able to see student scores?
What is NEVER
On average, each Screener takes 20 minutes to complete, and it is capped at this amount of time.
What is 30 minutes
The word “diagnosing” may be used to describe the completion of questions in this assessment(s).
What are the Benchmark, Classic, or both (but NOT the Universal Screeners)
IXL language support is now available in over 50 languages in the following subjects and grade levels.
What is...
math, science, and social studies skills across PK-12 (including calculus)
As of right now, standards reporting for the LevelUp Math Benchmark is available in these states in the Mid-Atlantic.
What are Delaware, Maryland, and Tennessee?
These skills are not available to include in Common Assessments.
What are Checkpoint skills
In terms of built-in supports, there is one key difference between the Universal Math Screener and the Universal Reading Screeners.
The IXL Universal Reading Screeners do NOT have Spanish language support.
This is when "Screener" is capitalized
Screener is capitalized when referring to one of our products (IXL Universal Screeners, IXL Reading Screener, IXL Math Screener, etc.)
Screener is not capitalized when referring to the assessment type in a general sense ("Administrators can use a screener to flag students at risk of...")
The Time Spent report shows data for six categories. Name at least 4.
What are...
Practice, Assessment, Quizzes, Group Jams, Instructional videos, Learning games