Number of Brawlers
What is 84
My age
What is 13
Gohan teacher
Who is Piccilo
How deep is a 6 ft hole
What is 6 feet
Starting Brawler
Who is Shelly
Number of black Brawlers
What is 6
My favorite Brawler
Who is Frank/El Primo
What made Goku go super saiyan in namek saga
What is Krillins death
How many inches is in a foot
What is 12
Who's super is BULLET STORM!
Who is Colt
Names of at least 4 black brawlers
Who is Tara, Sandy, Meg, Rosa, Maisie, Brock
My favorite color
What is green
Vegetas fathers name
Who is King Vegeta
Number of bullets in a deagle
What is 7
Max damage Bull can do with a regular shot
What is 4400
Year the game came out
When is 2017
Favorite pokemon
Who is Venasaur
Gokus weapon in original Dragon Ball
What is the power pole
Who is the demon king
Who is Ganondwarf
Who's gadget stuns enemies and dashes you forward
Who is Maisie
Brawlywood trio
Who is Gray, Lola, and Kit
2nd main in smash bros
Who is Captain Falcon
Friezas power level in Dragon Ball Z at final form
What is 1 million
Color of a Giraffe tongue
What is purple
Mortis attack with damage gear boost and hyper charge boost
What is 2875