What is J Biddy's real name?
What is James Bidwell
Who gives people haircuts?
What is Andy
What has J Biddy been teaching todo with balls?
What is juggling
What Adriana hate?
Chinese teacher
What is Max
What are J Biddy's 3 main talents?
What is Juggling, Yoyo, Guitar
Who gets hit on by majorettes?
What is Custard? (Justin)
What did a group of people in a collective circle play with a ball?
What is playing catch
What is the name of Justin's water bottle?
Who said "oh shiz"
What is Andy
Who is the two favorite students?
What is Adriana and Elaina
What instrument does Amari play?
What does Justin like doing?
What is hitting people with kindness.
"he's abusive. - Adriana
Who does Elaina harass?
What is Pooper Morris.
Who said "I'm crashing out"
What is Adriana
What two classes does he have?
What is French and Wv tourism
Who just got into Mtec Automotive?
What is Max
What do Izzy and Andy and Tj and Lilly Warner like to do?
What is Vlogging
What is adriana's favorite person in the room?
Elaina Beard
Who said "None of what is happening is ok"
What is J Biddy
Who is his child?
Where is Max's big mole located?
On his the left part of his face
What did Nat and Elaina cook at?
Hint: Involves singing and dancing!
What Karaoke and Just Dance
Who did Nat impersonate?
Who said "oh shiesty"
What is Elaina