Correct the Error

Vocab: Explain what TEDIOUS means?

Boring and Repetitive


When I was read my favourite book the last week, I was realising that I had leave the stove on! I rushed over and turned it off, only to then realised that I have lose my page on my book!

When I was reading my favourite book last week, I realised that I had left the stove on! I rushed over and turned it off, only to then realise that I had lost my page in my book!


If I __________ (know) you were coming to the party, I __________ (prepare) a special dish for you, and if you __________ (bring) your guitar, we __________ (have) a great time singing together.

If I had known you were coming to the party, I would have prepared a special dish for you, and if you brought your guitar, we would have a great time singing together.


_________ when I was looking for a suit to wear to Jenny's wedding, I ran into her fiance! He was there shopping and holding hands with a woman who looked very similar to Jenny, __________ her sister. 

Coincidentally + presumably


What does the word GALORE mean? 

Galore means in large numbers or quantities; plentiful. It is often used to describe something that is abundant or available in great amounts.

For example: "The garden was filled with flowers galore."


Turn into Passive: 

After a long and difficult day, the old cowboys ate a delicious steak dinner that a chef had cooked.

A delicious steak dinner that had been cooked by a chef was eaten by the old cowboys. 


If I was you, I will try to find a different job that pay you more and let you grows in your professional. 

If I were you, I would try to find a different job that pays you more and lets you grow in your profession.


If she ______ (study) harder, she would be in a better university now.

had studied


Mark is late for work again! ________ he will try to give us another lame excuse, but I've had enough of them. It's a miracle he hasn't been fired _____

Presumably + Yet


Turn into Passive:

The man stole the car and then crashed it into the bank.

The car was stolen by the man and then crashed into the bank. 

Tell me the correct modal: 

I accidentally gave Ben the wrong directions, he ___________ lost! That's why he is so late. 



I wish I hadn't ever download Uber Eats into my phone, everyday I spent too much money for buying food and get it deliver. 

I wish I hadn't ever downloaded Uber Eats onto my phone! Everyday I spend too much money on buying food and getting it delivered.


If he __________ (be) more organized, he wouldn't have missed the deadline last week.

had been


Marcus is __________ get out of the shower, I can't believe he is ______ in there!

yet to + still


I'm having so much fun! Oh look at the time, it's lunch time _______!



Tell me the correct modal: 

You _____________ serious! You bought a Ferrari for only $200?

Can't be


By the time Mark arrives, John had already left the station and drive up to the another farm. Mark was being super super angry!

By the time Mark arrived, John had already left the station and driven up to the other farm. Mark was furious!


If he __________ (know) how to cook, he would make dinner for us.



I can't believe my wife left me! _____________ I did cheat on her, but that was months ago!



Ugh, I am so bored! Is it lunch time _____?



What does it mean if I call something a SORE POINT?

Sensitive Subject


I haven't been living in Australia for long when I realised that people here don't never pronounce things correct!

I hadn't been living in Australia for long when I realised that people here don't ever pronounce things correctly!


If I ______ (know) you were in town, I would have invited you to the party.

  • A) knew
  • B) had known
  • C) know
  • D) know

had known


I can't believe what a success my party is! ______ Bill came, and he is such a hermit. It looks like everyone is having a good time, __________ Jenny. 

Even + Especially


Prefix and Suffix: 

I bought a new phone the other day, but instead of an upgrade, it turned out to be a ____grade! The salesman promised it was ___break_____, but as soon as I dropped it, it shattered! Also I ____read the fine print on the return policy, which said strictly no __funds! The customer service didn't help either, the whole experience was very frustrat____

I bought a new phone the other day, but instead of an upgrade, it turned out to be a downgrade! The salesman promised it was unbreakable, but as soon as I dropped it, it shattered! Also I misread the fine print on the return policy, which said strictly no refunds! The customer service didn't help either, the whole experience was very frustrating
