What is reframing?
changing the way you think about a situation to see it in a more positive way
Give 3 examples of physically healthy things to do
What is happiness?
Things that happen TO us that make us feel good; Key: it comes from the outside
In Philippians 4:11-12, Paul says, "I have learned how to be content with whatever I have." Where did Paul write this letter?
In prison! Roman prison thousands of years ago- much scarier/harsher than today!
Who wrote the Bible?
Reframe: Your best friend isn't at school today
possible answers: I can hang out with someone else today,
I can pay extra close attention in class and help them when they're back,
I'll get more work done so we can hang out when they're back, etc.
Give 3 examples of socially healthy things to do
Spend time with friends who make good choices, BE a good friend, play on a team, be kind to your siblings/family, be respectful, appreciate what other people do for you
What is contentment?
Feeling good on the inside, no matter what is happening to us; Key- it comes from inside us
In 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, Paul tells us we must honor God by taking care of our body because our body is _____________
The temple of the Holy Spirit (a place for the Holy Spirit to live)
Who guided the process of writing The Bible?
Reframe: You are assigned to work on a group project with someone you don't hang out with
possible answers: This will be a good chance to get to know them
Jesus calls us to love all people, this is a chance to practice doing thatWe can work well together even if we're not friends, etc.
Give 3 examples of mentally healthy things to do
Limit time on cell phone and social media, practice gratitude, practice reframing, read, do a hobby, eat/sleep/exercise, talk things out with someone you trust, self-reflection to understand what you are feeling
What is wrong with trying to be happy?
We don't have control over most things that happen to us, good or bad. We can try to be happy, but bad things will happen that make us sad, angry, lonely, etc.
In Philippians 4:11-12, Paul says, "I have learned how to be content with whatever I have." What is his secret to being content?
Trusting that Christ will provide what he needs
What is the Bible?
God's word that teaches us about God and guides us to be Christians
Reframe: School sucks
Possible answers: I don't like everything about school, but I like ____ (seeing my friends, playing, certain classes, learning about ____)
Going to school gives me the chance to learn and eventually find a job I like
I'm glad I live in a place where education is free, not everyone in the world doesGive 3 examples of spiritually healthy things to do
Pray, learn about scripture/the Bible, ask questions about faith & Christianity, go to Youth Group, go to Church, do things Jesus told us to do like love God & love people, give credit to God for good things
Why is trying to be content a better goal than trying to be happy?
We have way more control over how we feel on the inside instead of situations that happens to us on the outside.
Colossians 3:23 says:
"Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people." What does this mean?
Work hard and do your best at everything you do, not because you want other people to notice and give you attention, but because you know God is paying attention to you and cares
The Bible is divided into 2 main sections. What are they and what is the difference?
Old Testament- about God & his promises to the Jews
New Testament- About Jesus & how all people can be Christians
Explain how reframing is a Christian practice
Possible answers: It helps us focus on God's love and be grateful for what He's given us.
It helps us love others as Jesus loves us.
How is taking care of our mind & body a way to worship God?
Our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit
God made us, when we take care of ourselves we're taking care of something God made
What are 3 things we can do to practice being content?
Think of something you are thankful for every day, talk to God about your problems, Trust that God will provide what you need, serve/think about others (give your help without complaining, notice what someone else needs), avoid comparing yourself to others (keeping up with the Jones), think of money as a way to take care of you and other people, not as a way to get more stuff
Romans 12:2 says: "Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect."
Explain what this means.
Don't do what everyone else is doing, just because everyone else is doing it. Let God help us think differently so we make choices that make the world a better place.
How do we know we can trust the Bible?
There were eyewitnesses who saw it happen
everything in the Bible fits together, even over thousands of years and translations
Copies of the Bible from thousands of years ago match our copies today
When Jesus was alive, He told us the Old Testament is true and comes from God