Solar System
Racing Video Games
South America

The first planet from the Sun

What is Mercury?


This is the oldest suspension bridge in New York City that is made out of bricks. It was very challenging to build at the time and is one of the city's main icons attracting people from around the world. A pioneer for modern suspension bridge design. 

What is the Brooklyn Bridge?


The popular racing game made by Nintendo that features a character with a red cap with a letter M and a mustache who drives a go-kart. 

What is MarioKart?


The biggest country in South America that doesn't speak Spanish like it's neighbors. 

What is Brazil?


The movie where all superheroes from various universes team up to defeat a powerful villain that has the superpower to change reality with just a snap of his fingers. 

What is Avengers: Endgame?


The planet that is known as the Red Planet

What is Mars?


The architect who designed the Barcelona Pavilion in Spain.

Who is Ludwig Miles Van Der Rohe?


The street racing game that's part of a well-known series made by EA where you can either play as a street racer or a cop and has a lightning storm theme.  

What is Need For Speed: Rivals?


The country that got it's name after the equatorial line, is stereotyped that the whole country eats guinea pigs and is the number one exporter of bananas in the world.

What is Ecuador?


The movie where a superspy travels to Dubai and climbs the Burj Khalifa to secretly reach a server room to hack the building's security systems and firewall. 

What is Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol?


The ring of space debris that are leftovers from the formation of the planets that's located between Mars and Jupiter.

What is the Asteroid Belt?


The architecture firm behind the design of One World Trade Center and the Burj Khalifa.

What is Skidmore, Owings and Merrill?


The realistic car racing simulator game that has been around since the late 90s and is only exclusive to PlayStation consoles.

What is Grand Turismo?


The two countries that are landlocked and have no access to the ocean. 

What are Bolivia and Paraguay?


The famous horror movie that features a supernatural serial killer with a machete and a hockey mask covered in blood who kills in a particular day. Whenever he's killed, he somehow comes back again.

What is Friday the 13th?


The largest and strangest moon of Neptune that is the only moon in the solar system that orbits in the opposite direction of a planet's rotation.  

What is Triton?


Something that was not thought of when architects designed the Tacoma Narrows Bridge which resulted in it's collapse due to strong winds.

What is aerodynamics?


This BMW M3 GT2 is featured in this Need for Speed game that released in 2009 for the PS3, XBOX 360, mobile, PC and PSP.

What is Need For Speed: Shift?


The large country that has a lot of it's people having European descent. Is famous for tango dancing, the world's best soccer/football player and one time had the guts to go to war with the UK over some islands that it claimed was theres. 

What is Argentina?


The sci-fi movie from 2009 that is an adaptation to a classic sci-fi TV series from the 1960s and but it takes place in a high-tech alternate reality known by the fans of the series as the 'Kelvin Timeline.' 

What is Star Trek 2009?


The possible dwarf planet that is considered by astronomers to be the farthest object in the solar system and has the longest elliptical orbit. 

What is Sedna?


A genius device that works like a pendulum that has protected many structures built in seismic active areas from collapsing. For example, it can be found on the top of Taipei 101 in Taiwan.  

What is a tuned mass damper?


The sci-fi racing game series developed by SCE Studio Liverpool that features high speed racing hovercraft that fire weapons at each other and since it's 4th installment has been an exclusive to PlayStation consoles.  

What is wipEout?


These two countries and one territory that are treated by other South American countries like outsiders or like they don't even exist. One speaks English and claims to be Caribbean, one that speaks Dutch and the other being part of France.  

What are Guyana, Suriname and French Guyana?


An old movie that was about a German mad scientist who lived in the US during the Cold War and was discussing with the US president and a Soviet ambassador about a terrifying doomsday machine. It's most famous for a scene of a crazy guy with a cowboy hat riding a nuke.

What is Dr. Strangelove or How I learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb?
