True/False when you received your J11 results it is ok to wait on completing it until the queue is clear?

False you make this your next call/task


What are the 4 main pieces of information needed in comments before applying J11?

Issue, sku, in home/refused, urgency


What is the very last step in KEYING the J11?

Applying the order alert

It is day of delivery and delivery team calls to report they are missing legs to the storage ottoman. Where would you find information on leg location?

Item viewer under information, small comment box


What is difference between cycle and J11?

J11 is open document, day of delivery/or P-U. Cycle is within 30 days from delivery or p/u and missing part of a sku’d item or entire sku’d item.


Is it ok to create any paperwork to correct issue prior to sending cycle?

You do not want to key CRM/EEX until results come through. You can proactively key a service ticket for photos from customer and to possible order parts on but take no action until results come in


True/False If a driver calls in reporting a piece is incorrect style and you can confirm this, it is ok to leave that in the home for now until we get customer the piece they ordered?

False, we always want the piece back in case it belongs to someone else and if it turns out to be a vendor error we can send back as a loaner


True/False Driver calls in reports that the center legs for bed set up are missing. When you key your J11 under sku you add all sku’s for the bed that is affected?

False you only add the sku that the legs ship under


If a driver calls in stating hardware is missing for a bed assembly what photo would be needed on DT to help your research and results?

Photo of instructions marking missing hardware, location where hardware belongs on merchandise


Customer calls after picking up merchandise and noticed they received a tan side table and should be black. You see sale was written for tan, do you apply J11 since not color customer wanted?

No this is a sales error and should email appropriate store office reps


Name 3 reasons we would key a J11.

Wrong or missing merchandise w/their own sku, wrong/missing/defective hardware, defective merchandise, assembly issues, electrical not working


Before applying a J11 what are 5 things we need to make sure of first?

Sale is still open, scheduled for today, truckloaded, no sku’s are removed or split off, and all comments including J11 requirements are present.


True/False If a driver calls in reporting customer is refusing a dresser as it is the incorrect color, should be white like the rest of the set not brown. It is ok to split that off that sale while you research this.

False you should not remove or split off an item until you have ensured if it was ordered correctly or sales error.


Driver calls in reporting that one side chair does not match the rest appears QC assembled it incorrectly, would you do a J11 for this?

Yes, you would apply a J11 for any pieces assembled incorrectly by QC


If a driver calls in missing an adaptor for a power recliner WWYD?

Advise to use electrical care kit to resolve and complete J11


Customer calls day of delivery missing a toss pillow that they purchased SEPARATELY on their order. You confirm in DT it is not present WWYD?

Complete a J11 as it is its own sku’ d item and not part of a set


Driver calls in reports that customer is getting a split foundation and they have 2 different fabrics on them. You confirm all information is correct on labels and pieces, but since fabric is different would this be a J11?

No, Due to supply chain issues vendors will sometimes substitute the top fabric based off what is available


If a driver calls in reporting that the customers sofa is incorrect color what photos do we need from driver?

Overall photo of piece, photo of all labels on packaging, photo of labels on piece/pieces


Customer calls they picked up their be frame yesterday and tried to assemble last night and noticed where the rails hook into footboard the insert will not lock into place is this a J11/cycle/ or neither?

This should be a cycle as it is a setup issue


A customer calls in 45 days after delivery. It was contactless as home was not ready. He is missing hardware to assemble 1 side chair WWYD?

Create a service ticket to order part as it is past 30 days


If a customer calls in reporting that they have the incorrect mattress and upon research, you see that it was a driver swap. Do you still apply J11?

Yes, but can add comments you think it was a driver swap with ***CC***


Can you key a service ticket prior to adding J11 alert?

Yes, but make sure ticket number and customer availability is in comments before adding alert and no action was taken on ticket until results come in


A customer calls in they were away and had a neighbor accept delivery 31 days ago and noticed a side table missing from the order. You check DT and confirm you cannot see item in photos. WWYD?

Complete a cycle even though past 30 days as entire sku is missing it requires research


If a customer calls in day after delivery reporting that they are missing toss pillows that should have come with their sofa WWYD?

Key service ticket and order pillows after confirming not in delivery photo


Customer calls in reports they picked up a power recliner from clearance and it is missing the power cord, this was sold as a working power piece. Would you do a J11 for this?

No, since it was picked up we would reach out to Avon to see if they have it, can either UPS on a service ticket or customer can p/u at Avon warehouse.
