Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Famous Bugs
Alcoholic Beverage History
All Things Sims
Going to the Movies

Jojo was born on May 19th, 2003, in the largest city in Nebraska.

What is Omaha?


People were concerned that this event would mark the "end of the world" because computer clocks couldn't handle cycling from 1999 to 2000.

What is Y2K?


This fermented rice beverage originated as early as 500 BCE and can be served hot or cold.

What is Sake?


This aptly named theory states people's perspective of reality is actually a computer simulation, possibly overseen by a higher being.

What is Simulation Theory?


Shawshank Rizzdemption

What is "Shawshank Redemption"


Even though Jojo got very popular from the show "Dance Moms" she was only on for this many seasons, starting in season 5.

What is 2?


This Boeing airplane's faulty "anti-stall" system resulted in 2 crashes and the lives of 346 people.

What is the 737 Max 8?


IPA, or this country's Pale Ale, was not actually made in this country. The beer originated from the UK, which controlled this country in the 1800s.

What is India?


A common way to stimulate the weightlessness of outer space on the ground is to place astronauts in this, which is also extremely affordable.

What is a pool/water?



What is The Godfather?


Jojo Siwa’s debut song in 2016, which deals with subjects like cyberbullying, surprisingly went double platinum (2 million sales).

What is “Boomerang.”


The $193 million Mars Space Orbiter was developed by NASA and this U.S. aerospace and defense manufacturer burned up in orbit because while NASA used the standardized metric system, the company used U.S customary system.

What is Lockheed Martin?


While many think "Champagne" refers to all sparkling wine, it only refers to a specific sparkling wine in a specific northern region in this country.

What is France?


Microsoft was one of the first companies to release a consumer-friendly body-tracking simulator for the XBOX 360. The device uses a dot projector to measure depth and a small computer to identify and analyze bodies and movements.

What is Kinect?


The Dank Sigma Rizzes

What is "The Dark Knight Rises?"


Jojo's newest song, "Karma," which released in 2024, was allegedly made in 2012 for this former Disney star.

Who is Miley Cyrus?


This retro but timeless video game was previously thought to never end. However, you can "beat" the game by clearing a line on level 156, which crashes the game. This was achieved by a 13-year-old in January 2024.

What is Tetris?


This is known as the oldest alcoholic beverage through the fermentation of honey. It has been discovered as far back as 2600 BCE in Europe.

What is Mead?


Apple released this dot-project technology for the iPhone 12 Pro in 2020 which allows users to capture 3-D augmented reality images. Now, Addison has it on his phone.

What is LidAR?


The Ws, the Ls, and the Level 1 Gyatts.

What is "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly"?


Part 6 of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Stone Ocean, was the first part to have a U.S setting in this coastal city.

What is Port St. Lucie?

This moth, which (I believe) is Add's favorite is also known as the "world's prettiest."

What is the Luna Moth?


The first cocktail (in the US at least) is called the Sazerac. It's a blend of whisky, absinthe, bitters, and sugar (yuck!) and originated in this "bluesy" city.

What is New Orleans?


While there are only 4 games in this series, the 5th game, or "Project Rene" is currently in development.

What is Sims?


Futuluhtoogan Goon

What is Forrest Gump?
