
How many gallons of water does each truck hold? 

What are the locations of 4 fire hydrants? 

3000 gallons of water.

2 outside terminal landside, 1 firehouse, 1 fuel farm, 1 by backflow, 1 by restaurant, 1 by FBO. 


For a Mass Casualty Incident, where could we stage resources that JHFEMS is familiar with? 

Gate 1.

Can also stage at gate 2 and gate 3 however JHFEMS is less familiar with these gates.


Where is a designated aircraft isolation area?  

Deice pad/engine runup area. 


What time frame is parking free from in the main lot?

What time frame is parking free from in the short-term lot? 

Main 0-1.5 hours

Short Term 0-1 hour


What class airspace is JAC when the tower is open? 

What class airspace is JAC when the tower is closed?

Open: Delta

Closed: Echo


How many gallons of F3 does each truck hold? 

Where is the restock supply? 

420 gallons of F3.

Restock in Squad Bay.


What are our main vital signs? 

What compartment of the Med Bag is our vital sign equipment located? 

Pulse Rate (HR), Respiration Rate, SPo2, B/P, BGL, Body Temperature. 

Left Side. 


What MALS are considered the FAAs responsibility? How do you report that one is out?  

North MALS, call OCC


Where is the South Riser Room? Where is the North Riser Room?

South Riser Room located downstairs next to water softener fill port. 

North Riser Room located past TSA breakroom, turn left and go through cyber key door. 


Where can you turn off the airfield lighting? 

How do you turn the lighting off? 

Airfield lighting building next to the tower. 

Turn off CCR, Flip the associated breaker, and Pull lock out. 


How many pounds of dry chem does each truck hold?

Where is the restock supply?

500 Lbs. of Dry Chem (Purple K)

North Firehouse Wall. 


What is the flow rate for a nasal cannula? 

Where can you find one? 

4-6 lires per minute. 

Med bag airway compartment or North wall firehouse to restock.


Where is the VOR located?

North side, past MALS, it is the brown spherical building. 


Where is the Sewer Lift Station located? 

SE side of FBO Lot near Wadman Trailer.


What are the components of an ILS? 

Where are they located? 

  • Localizer for horizontal guidance. Located at the South end of 19.
  • Glideslope for vertical guidance. Located at the West side 19 touchdown.
  • Optional: Approach lights & Marker beacons 


What is our ARFF index? 

(mandatory minimum staffing by the FAA and according to JAC policy?) 

Index B

FAA Staffing: 1 Firefighter

JAC Staffing Policy: 2 Firefighters


What is the flow rate for a nonrebreather? 

Where can you find one?

10-15 litres per minute. 

Med bag airway compartment or North wall firehouse to restock.


Tyler with Wadman calls and tells you about a crane that is going up... what must you do and how

Input a NOTAM with height and GPS coordinates via the obstruction section. 


Where in Ski Data do you go to look up a receipt? 



What is RVR? 

How many sensors are there? Where are they located?

Runway Visual Range:

RVR is a measurement of how far a pilot can see the runway's surface markings, lights, or centerline from the centerline. 

3 Sensors each 1/3 of the runway on the West Side. 


Give an initial report to dispatch for an Alert 2 Gulfstream G650, 4 Souls, 3,000 lbs of fuel onboard landing runway 19 ETA 5 minutes.

You: Jackson, Airport Command... 

Dispatch: Go Ahead Airport Command...

You: We have an Alert 2, G650, 4 Souls on Board, 3,00 lbs of fuel, comms are on ARFF RPTR, Staging Midfield Gate, ______ is command of airport scene. 


What does SAMPLE stand for? 

Signs and Symptoms



Pertinent Past Medical History 

Last ins/outs

Events leading up


When must a special inspection be completed? 

(Must get all, there are 5 main reasons) 

Wildlife report, report of FOD, meteorological, construction, after an incident.


What is the most likely fix for a badged employee that says "card not recognized" when entering the lot? 

Take a picture of the front and back of the badge. 

Get the serial numbers off the back of the badge and confirm that it matches Ski Data serial number under "Customer Admin".

Bonus: the computer serial number starts with 42.


What is the slope of runway 19? 

0.6% Down
