Mission,Vision,and Values
National Patient Safety Goals for Hospitals
Your patient Matters
Committed to living the healing ministry of the Judeo-Christian tradition by providing exceptional and compassionate healthcare services that promote the dignity and well being of the people we serve.
What is our Mission
Improve the Accuracy of Patient Identification.
What is one of the National Patient Safety Goals dealing with correct patient
Pull the pin Aim the the Nozzle Squeeze the handle Sweep low aiming at the base of the fire
What is PASS
Name and date of birth are 2 questions commonly asked. Twoof these must be used when administering medications, administering blood, or blood products, collecting specimens, and when providing other treatments or procedures. ROOM NUMBERS ARE NEVER TO BE USED AS ONE OF THESE!
What are the identifiers your area uses?
Learn from them Prevent future adverse events Proactively improve systems Go to the "intranet" on the left hand side of wheaton page click on occurance report link and proceed.
What is reporting safety events (" formerly "incident reporting") Occurence reporting . How do you report incidents?
We will be recognized for superior and compassionate patient service, clinical excellence, the health care employer of choice , and the preferred partner of physicians.
What is our Vision:
Improve the effectiveness of the communication among caregivers.
What is a National Patient Safety Goal pertaining to Communication.
Remove those in danger Alarm: Activate the nearest pull station. Call the emergency number. Contain the fire by closing all doors Extinguish the fire or evacuate patients and staff as instructed. Send someone to the appropriate entrance to direct the fire department.
What is RACES stand for?
It is initiated upon checking in through the entire stay. Each step of the procedure is explained and documented as to the procedure and what to expect. It is followed through until the discharge in which a discarge instruction is given and discussed with the patient. this is evidenced by a signature from staff and the patient. A follow up phone number is provider for future questions.
What patient education is provide to your patient?
Out the patients entrance and toward Dr Ellerbecks old office :) More details located here on the intranet.
Where do we meet in the event of an evacuation? Where is our Emergency Preparedness Manual?
Respect Integrity Development Excellence Stewardship
What is our Values
Improve the safety of using medications
What is a National Patient Goal for Hospitals regarding medications
Green,Blue,White,Strong,Alert,Nap,and Secure
What is are the codes within our walls?
BONUS ROUND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Cardiovascular Services!!!! OUR TEAM!!!!
to have courteous and respectful treatment to have privacy and confidentiality to be able to make health care decisions- including right to refuse to be fully informed regarding care and treatment to have relief from pain to be able to voice complaints and grievances
What are patients rights?
We as a team provide exceptional and compassionate healthcare to each patient and their family with dignity,respect, and well being of the people we serve.
What is the Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare Mission and how do you support it in your work?
Reduce the risk of healthcare-associated infections
What is National Patient Safety Goal pertaining to healthcare-associated infections
This information is provided in the admission handbook. it is reviewed with the patient upon admission.It is signed on admission with the consent for care.
Where is patient rights found and how do you demonstrate that the patient has reviewed the information?
Read Back- You cant Read it back if you haven't written it down "handoffs" in communication
What is one of the National Patient Safety Goal- Improve the communication among caregivers.
These designated staff members have been designated by leadership as being resposible for intervention whenever environmental conditions pose an immediate threat to life or health, or threaten damage to equipment or buildings.
Who are the Safety Officer and Environment of Care Committee.
the purpose for the survey is to confirm that associates are following all appropriate standards,rules,regulations,and laws. By maintaining a state of continuous compliance, we are then in a mode of continuous readiness- ready at all times to provide high quality, safe patient care and treatment to each person who comes to us
Why is JACHO here?
universal protocol ,risk for suicide ,and ACCURATELY and COMPLETELY RECOCILE MEDICATIONS
What is the final 3 National Safety Goals for the hospital?
safety and security hazardous materials and waste fire safety medical equipment utilities
What are the areas the environment of care committee 5 areas of focus?
This is located in the HPF/Physcian Portal under legal chart. This should have been completed upon admission if pt is an inpatient. There may be a record on file from previous admissions. All patients are given this option to declare upon check in. The hospital is obligated to honor this in accordance with the law and regulation our capabilities
Where are the advance directives located? How can you find the advance directive of this patient? who gives them to the patient?
contact droplet brown contact airborne
What are the different infection control precaution? Are you aware of each precaution protocols?