Brother Facts 1
Brother Facts 2
Jacket Newpeople 1
Jacket Newpeople 2
Jacket Newpeople 3

I was in a high school play

Who is Brady


I have ran a mile in under a 5 min

Who is Fletcher  

You now have a big nose so you get half the points on the next question because u have a lack of sight


What is my Dads name?

What is Heath

You get 1 Candy Bar (2x if the next question you get right or get wrong) 


What high school did I go to 

What is Wayne Trace 

Sorry the education system there is bad so you get -100 points because I cant add 


What is my favorite show (bonus points if you guess my favorite character)

What is Friends (who is Chandler)(if you say anyone else than negative -200) 

I filmed football for 7 years 

Who is Jeffrey. 

You are now Gay. So now go to the bottom of the leader board. 


I have multi colored eyes

Who is Dakota Clift 


What States have I lived in?

What is Tennessee, Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, and Michigan

Bonus if you know what state I was born in


What is my Moms name?

What is Christina 


What was the name of my first Girlfriend?

Trick question I have never had one( but apparently for some it was Kayla) 

If you get it right then you get a cheat ( You get to block a team from answering a question) 


I was the first president of my high schools National Art Honors Society

Who is Owen 

You now own an art gallery ( get 2x more points on the next question right or wrong) 

How many animals does Kyle have? (bonus points if u can name what kind) 
What is 8 (6 cats, a dog, and a bird) 

Am I the oldest, youngest, middle or only child? 

What is oldest, youngest, and only child


How many Hat do I have (bonus points if you know my favorite)

What is 36 (Black and white hat with the square brown rectangle with the Bible Verse) 


What is my Dogs name?

What is sassy


Who's hat did Beulter get at his very first concert?

Who is Brad Paisley 


I once owned my own lawn mowing business

Who is Dakota Schneider 

You now have the craps and have to go take a bathroom break you have been skipped for the next question


What major did I originally pick before I switched to religion?

What is sports management


Who was my ARs while I was in Estes?

Need both to be right. 

Who is Patty and Alex 

You now have Pattyism so you now have to be annoying. You have the ability to take points from any team (max of 200 points) 


What position did I play in Baseball?

What is second base


How many states is Aubry from?

What is 37

What phobia does Corwin have? 

What is automatonophobia or fear of mannequins 


What is one of my siblings names?

What is either Jayden, Kennedy, or London


What rooms have I lived in House? 

What is 205, 302, and now 202 

You now get to pick who gets what amount of points and you don't get the highest number. 


What was the name of my roommate in Estes? (bonus points if you guess who was the original roommate) (bonus points if you say who was my roommate after my first one) 

What is Judson? (what is Max/Micah) (what is George) 
