This Villain is the younger brother of Thor.
Who is Loki.
This sport is played on a diamond and features bases.
What is Baseball?
This iconic weapon is used by Jedi Knights to deflect blaster bolts.
What is The LightSaber?
This famous painting features a woman with a pearl earring.
What is Girl with a Pearl Earring?
This ingredient is often used to thicken sauces and gravies.
What is flour?
This character has 3 movies just for them and is played by Robert downy Jr.
Who is Iron Man or Tony Stark.
In this sport, players aim to score points by throwing a ball through a hoop.
What is BasketBall?
This wise and powerful Jedi Master trains Luke Skywalker in the ways of the Force.
Who is Yoda?
This artist is known for his abstract paintings, such as "Guernica".
Who is Pablo Picasso?
This popular dessert is often made with chocolate, eggs, and sugar.
What is Cake?
This is the infinity Stone Loki originally has.
What is the Space Stone.
This sport is known for its four quarters and is played on a rectangular field with goalposts at each end.
What is Football?
These Creatures can be inferred as Yoda's favorite.
Also Chewbacca is one of these.
What is The Wookies.
This art movement is characterized by its use of bold colors and geometric shapes.
What is Cubism?
This popular breakfast food is often served with syrup and butter.
What is Pancakes?
This is the blue cube inside of Loki's staff that holds one of the Infinity Stones.
What is the Tesseract.
This Olympic sport involves athletes competing in a series of events, including running, swimming, and cycling.
What is a Triathlon?
This villainous leader of the Galactic Empire is known for his imposing presence and his iconic "I find your lack of faith disturbing" line.
Who is Darth Vader?
This iconic statue stands in the center of Rome.
What is David?
This type of cuisine is known for its use of fresh herbs, tomatoes, and olive oil.
What is Italian
Name all of the Infinity Stones.(Double points if you can name what finger they were each on.)
Hint: There are 6.
What are the space, time, soul, mind, reality, and power stones.(Soul=Pinky, Reality=Ring Finger, Space=Middle Finger, Power=Index Finger, Time=Thumb, and Mind=Top of Hand).
This legendary athlete is known as "The Greatest" and was a three-time world heavyweight boxing champion.
Who is Muhmad Ali?
This Villain was one of the first Siths to use a curved LightSaber.
Who is Count Dooku.
This artist is known for his "Campbell's Soup Cans" and other pop art works.
Who is Andy Warhol?
This Chef is the host of Hell's Kitchen, Next Level Chef, and many more.
Who is Chef Gordan Ramsey?