Indigenous Relations
Bank of America

Who was Robert Purvis?

Lived in Philadelphia, bi-racial, anti-slavery society co-founder and president, and advocated for free blacks' civil rights.


True or False: According to past treaties the Cherokee nation would be protected under the United States. 



Why was Jackson distrustful of the bank of America?

- Financial panic of 1819

- Right will act in ways that only benefit them (not the common person)



What were two main arguments in Purvis' defense for free blacks' right to suffrage? 

1. Education

2. Constitutionality of freedom for all

3. Taxes and Population


What were three responses indigenous nations had to the Indian Removal Act?

Fight, Adapt, Assimilate


Why was the Bank of America founded?

To stablize the growing economy by requiring banks pay debts in gold, to limit unstable paper currancy.

Does Purvis feel respected by this decision about suffrage? Does he still retain respect for the convention?

No, he feels this is a major set back for free blacks'. Not being seen as a true citizen in Pennsylvania is also very disrespectful for Purvis and his audience. There is still a level of respect as the convention will hopefully lead to changes but they are very displeased and disappointed as their inalienable right has been taken away. 


What does the petition say is the problem of assimilation?

"become strangers and wanders in the land of their fathers, forced to become savages"


How did Jackson's veto show an increase in executive power?

Even though the court and congress thought it was constitutional, Jackson interpreted otherwise. He showed the executive had some authority in interpreting the constitution. 


How does patriotism play a role in this protest?

Purvis writes they are proud Pennsylvanians and cherish the land they have worked hard for. "We are not intruders here, nor were out ancestors"


What is the message of the Cherokee Nation Caricature of 1886? For an extra 50 points, describe how that message relates to the Cherokee Petition 50 years prior?

It shows the "vanishing native" for the sake of American Development. Bonus: It shows many of the fears of the Cherokee Nation coming true


How did opponents view Jackson's decision to veto the bill?

They thought it made him look like a dictator and drastically redistributed wealth. 


How did the Constitution play a part in aiding Purvis' argument?

The Constitution claims all men are created equal and are therefore deserving of all inalienable rights such as the right to vote. 


Why does the Cherokee Nation think the agreement made with Jackson is fraudulent?

Those who spoke with America to authorize it were actually unauthorized and spoke against the real wishes of the Nation and has been protested by 15k people


How did Jackson believe a national bank would effect government? And how are these issues still present today?

Fourth branch of government, elite to run the government.

2008 financial crisis; wealth redistribution
