Pride in a nation.
What is nationalism?
How the federal government pay for the internal improvements proposed in the American System.
What are protective tariffs?
The winnner of the 1824 election?
Who was John Quincy Adams?
The president that was blamed for the 1837 American economy collapse.
Who was Martin Van Buren?
This presidency was considered an “Era of Good Feelings.”
What is the James Monroe Presidency?
The Erie Canal did this which make life easier for businesses.
What is lowered shipping prices?
The polical partly that formed in the 1824 election that supported Manufacturing/Strong Federal Government.
What is the Whigs?
The bill that came as a reaction to South Carolina reacting to a tariff by forming its own army/ threatening to leave the union.
What was the Force Bill?
Monroe’s Secretary of State who was responsible for James Monroe’s foreign policy decision.
Who was John Quincy Adams?
The compromise that drew a lin threw the Louisiana Purchase at a 36’ 30 Line.
What is the Missouri Compromise?
The politcal party that formed form the 1824 election that was Pro-Agriculture/State Government.
What is Democrat?
Informal advisors who provided advice for Andrew Jackson in the White House kitchen.
What was the Kitchen Cabinet?
U.S. policy toward the Western Hemisphere following the Latin American independence.
What is The Monroe Doctrine?
The state that established public schools in 1837.
What is Massachusetts?
Who were the candidates in the 1824 election?
Who was John Quincy Adams, Andrew Jackson, Henry Clay, and William Crawford.
The treaty that set the border between USA and Canada at 49 degrees N. Latitude.
What is the Convention of 1818?
A type of folk hymn found in both white and African American folk-music traditions.
What are spirituals?
The group that deceided the outcome of the Election of 1824.
What is the House of Representatives?
The Native Americans that were the first to be removed from their land during the Indian Removal Act.
Who were the The Choctaw Indians?