Using your cell phone to message your boss is an example of what?
Digital Communication
What is the digital equivalent of etiquette that has to do with being well mannered online?
As Mrs. Baker was grading her students’ formal lab research papers, she noticed that a lot of students had the exact same sentences and even paragraphs despite the fact this was an individual project. She looked up the sentences online and found a formally published paper with the same exact lines and paragraphs. What illegal action had some of the students committed due to their excessive procrastination?
Ian works in manufacturing, however, one day he gets bored and decides to look at the financial side of the company. He notices that some of the information regarding the company’s financials is behind sections that require passwords and keys. The company is ________ his ability to see the financial department because he is in manufacturing and has no business seeing what they are doing.
What is one way you can make sure any data that may be affected by digital viruses or malware is not completely lost?
Backup your data.
Is helping children learn to be responsible and make good choices online a form of digital literacy?
One day Carl gets an unruly number of random emails from a bunch of random cities. He investigates them and discovers that they are all coming from one of his coworkers who has a not-so-well-hidden dislike for him. What is this type of cyberbullying called?
Billy wants to create his own business. He has a slogan, a logo, a title, and all the necessary information to start a business. Not one year later, he gets a notice saying that he is infringing on someone else's company. He looks them up and sees that they were founded after his company was. What did Billy likely forget to do with his company’s unique features that allowed another person to steal them legally?
Trademark the company and its unique features.
What is the number that is used to identify an electronic device connected to the internet?
IP Address
Jack tries to hack into a company's main database to access some personal information, however, there is something that keeps his virus and malware from getting in. What might this be?
What are some examples of digital literacy that pertain to the hardware?
Use of computer keyboard and mouse, touch screen, or controller
What are ways that people can express poor digital etiquette?
All capital letters, improper spelling, punctuation, or incorrect capitalization
Sam has an idea that he thinks will revolutionize his field of study. He has not drawn out any plans or sent a copyright or trademark notice yet. At this point in time the idea is only an ____________ ________ of Sam.
Intellectual property
Bob has been working on some code for many hours. Once he is happy with his progress, he saves it and logs out and leaves for the day. The next day when he has to log into a different computer, he sees that the file of code he was working on the day prior is already there. Why might this be?
Cloud computing.
While browsing through Amazon, Alex sees there have been purchases on his card that he did not make. No one else has the code to his card, so how could have someone gotten it?
Unsecure password.
What are some examples of digital literacy that pertain to the software?
Using word processors, spreadsheets, tables, icons, folders, and databases, conducting internet searches, email, and website registration
Mark makes a remark online but later realizes that it is not very encouraging, so he goes through and deletes, however, his boss had already seen the comment. What did Mark leave behind after he posted that comment that cannot be taken away?
Digital footprint
Sam has an idea that he thinks will revolutionize his field of study. He wants to be the only one who can distribute and sell this item. What should he do with this idea so that he is able to do that?
Copyright it.
When Gilma visited a new website, she noticed that there were advertisements from things she had previously searched. What invisible part of a website allows other websites to use your browsing history as filters to know what to advertise to you?
Cookies or Spyware
When criminals steal physical mail to access information to commit digital fraud or theft this is called what?
Dumpster diving
Suzen regularly uses a variety of electronic devices to perform her duty to the company. In order for Suzen to do this she must have…
Digital Literacy
John comes across an account solely dedicated to bad mouthing another person with no apparent motivation. What is this type of action called?
If Coca-Cola and Mt. Dew were to work together, what type of agreement would they first have to agree to?
License Agreement.
Tom noticed that his computer had started to act a little weird and buggy one day. It was a relatively new computer, so there were no hardware issues. After a while some systems started disappearing. What could have caused this unusual behavior?
Malware or software virus
What type of malware is programmed to replicate to spread to new computers, but doesn’t infect files outside of the intended file?