Cartier is credited for Canadas
The land that Cartier found was full of what resources?
Furs, Fish, Timber, Fertile Land
25 of his men died due to what disease?
What supplies did Cartier bring over that he hadn't before?
Cattle, Seed for Crops
When did Jacque Cartier die?
September 1, 1557
What river lead them to Canada?
St. Lawrence
Why did Cartier convinced Donnacona's two sons to to back to France?
To learn French
What's a example of who Cartier kidnapped to France?
Donnacona, Donnacona's Sons, Three Leaders, Four Children
When did Cartier's third and final expedition start?
How many years would it be until France would make its way over to Canada again?
50 Years
What year was Jacque Cartier born?
How many men did Cartier have on his expedition?
Why did the French and First Nations People not get along?
The French brought in deadly diseases
What were the French looking to do on this third voyage?
They were looking for gold and to create a colony
What did Cartier bring back that ended up being worthless?
What religion was Cartier?
Who did Cartier first meet when he arrived in Canada?
Chief Donnacona
When did the Second Voyage take place?
How many men did Cartier lose after the attacks from the Haudenosaunee?
What fields did Cartier contribute to?
Geography, Anthropology, Ethnography
What did Cartier do in 1545?
He published a book
What did Cartier learn the most on his voyage?
Why did Cartier travel back to Canada?
He did not successfully find gold on his first voyage
Who did the French fight with when they were in Canada?
The Iroquois
Where did Cartier live after the voyages?
Saint-Malo, Brittany