What type of fish is nemo?
What is a Clownfish?
Roll a D20
What is 1-10 you succeed, 11-20 you fail?
Who is the owner of the realm?
Who is Alliken321
How would you beat 10 10 year-olds in a fight? (All these questions only give 400 points)
What is best answer wins?
What Anime that is currently coming out that is based on a manhwa(pretty much a Korean manga) and the main character is a hunter raiding dungeons.
What is Solo Leveling?
What is this?
What is a bird?
How would you lose chess in one move?
What is forfeit?
What was the old name of the realm?
What is Alliken321?
You have 24 hours to make $1,000,000 in ANY way, how are you doing it? (All these questions only give 400 points)
What is best answer wins?
In My Hero Academia, this is the name of Izuku Midoriya’s quirk, which he inherited from All Might.
What is One For All?
Who's that pokemon?
Who is Pikachu?
How many wars are there in a hammer?
What is 40,000?
What happened at the very end of the last realm?
What is Boom and hot rocks?
You are out in public late at night, a random guy walks up to you and says that he likes your fingers and wants to take them. How would you react? (All these questions only give 400 points)
What is best answer is best answer?
In One Piece, Gol D. Roger’s famous last words inspired the Golden Age of Piracy. Finish his quote: “You want my treasure? You can have it! I left everything I gathered together in…”
What is one place?
What is a group of lions called?
What is a pride?
This game won game of the year for 2024
What is Astro Bot?
Who owned the Cherry Blossom house on top of the hill?
Who is Paxton's sister?
A father gives his first son a quarter and he gives his second son a nickel what time is it? (All these questions only give 400 points)
What is the current time?
A dude with insane hair and a talent for screaming gets stronger by getting beaten up. He fights other dudes with equally crazy hair to save the world.
What is Dragon Ball Z
What country could be used as a response to the question. How are you feeling, and what kind of car do you drive?
What is Madagascar?
A bald man lectures you on why you're stupid then proceeds to chase you with a stick
What is Baldi's basics?
Who had the last un-redeemed Netherite token?
Who is Nathan Burger?
You are the emperor of a small island nation and can pick any three people from history to come and live on your island for five years. Who do you choose and why? (I'm getting kinda lazy on these questions and this is like 10/25 so far also all these questions only give 400 points)
What is bestest answer is best?
High schoolers get into robot fights, but the real enemy is bad parenting.
What is Darling in the Franxx