Stanley Levinson was a Jewish activist and close friend and advisor to this Civil Rights Leader whom we're celebrating today
Who was Dr. Martin Luther King Jr?
The acronym JAG stands for
What is Jewish Affinity Group
A shredded potato fried food eaten around Hanukkah
What are latkes
What is a clumsy person?
Many Jews, alongside others, participated in this protest against segregated public transportation in the South.
Who were the Freedom Riders
The difference between an alliance group and an affinity group
What is: an affinity group means all members can speak from the "I perspective" while an alliance group is for anyone in our community
Bread roll, with a hole, you boil and then bake, invented by Jews in Poland
What is a bagel?
What is complain?
Jewish philosopher (with a school in NYC named after him) who marched alongside Dr. King?
Who is Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel
Name two affinity groups at Grace
Silver linings
Jelly or chocolate filled doughnuts that are eaten around a Jewish holiday
What are sufganiyot?
What is to lug or carry something around?