Job Attainment
Job Survival
Basic Skills
Life Skills

When selecting an occupation, and individual should consider what first?

The pay

Interests, aptitudes and abilities

Whether you know other people who work there

Interests, aptitudes, and abilities


8. Select the best option of steps when conducting a job search.

 1) Call the employer to arrange an interview, 2) Go to the place of employment to complete a paper job application, 3) Write your resume.

1) Have your resume ready 2) Go to the place of employment to complete an application or complete it online, 3) Connect with employer to set interview.

1) Have your resume ready 2) Go to the place of employment to complete an application or complete it online, 3) Connect with employer to set interview.


Where is the first place I should look/go when trying to find employer expectations?

 My supervisor

A colleague/someone else who works where I work

Employee handbook

Employee handbook


Which of the options best describes what it means to "comprehend verbal communication"?

 You are able to listen to a presenter free of distractions

You are able to fully understand someone giving you a message by speaking

You are able to fully understand someone giving you a message by speaking


Which of the following is a true example of how you may be a member of a team.

 I am an active participant in the JAG Career Association.

I tried out for the dance team

I am an active participant in the JAG Career Association.


Occupational interests, aptitudes and abilities are described as:

Traits that make work easier or harder.

Characteristics that make someone love their job.

Traits an employee must have to work in a particular occupation/job/career.

Traits an employee must have to work in a particular occupation/job/career.


9. Which of the following best describe a cover letter and its purpose?

 A cover to a follow-up thank you letter after an interview

A letter sent with to explain the details within your resume

A letter sent with to explain the details within your resume


16. A new employee will have some challenges as they adjust to a new job.  Which of the following is NOT an example of a problem a new employee may have?

Co-worker issues 

Time management

Positive attitude

Co-worker issue


Which of the options best describes what it means to "comprehend written communication"?

 You are able to read a short article and share with a friend the summary of key points.

You are able to write an e-mail teaching something you know a lot about.

You are able to read a short article and share with a friend the summary of key points.


Which of the following is the best example of how you may serve as a team leader?

I was asked to take the trash out in my classroom. 

I walk my neighbor's dog without being asked.

I sign myself and friends up to volunteer at a food bank.

I sign myself and friends up to volunteer at a food bank.


3. How does an individuals life style play a role in their selected occupation?

 Lifestyle = hobbies.  Hobbies are done on the weekends when you aren't working.

Identifying a desired life style is important when selecting an occupation.

Identifying a desired life style is important when selecting an occupation.


10. When arranging a phone interview, which of the following is NOT something you would do to prepare for the call? 

Have your schedule of availability readily available

Find a place that is around other people

Find a place that is around other people


What is time management?


Process of planning to control time spent on specific activities 

Managing a clock or time keeper

Process of planning to control time spent on specific activities


What three things are important to remember when attempting to communicate well using written communication?

 Be clear with your message, use appropriate grammar, avoid offensive language

Always type the message, consider grammar, use proper punctuation

Following the suggested length, have good grammar, use good handwriting

 Be clear with your message, use appropriate grammar, avoid offensive language


 Of these options, which one is NOT necessary in order to give a good presentation to a group?

Visual Aid (bulletin board, PowerPoint, handout)

A large group or audience. 


A large group or audience


4. Which of the options below might be the best for a career path of a teacher?

 Have a job in high school working with children, after high school graduation go to college for teaching and then apply for jobs in the healthcare field.

Volunteer while in high school working with youth, work at a daycare while in a bachelor's degree program for teaching, then apply for a middle school math teacher position.

Volunteer while in high school working with youth, work at a daycare while in a bachelor's degree program for teaching, then apply for a middle school math teacher position.


11. Prior to completing an application, select all (3) of the things that would be helpful to have prepared.

 Learn the boss's favorite song

Memorize Social Security Number

Appropriate e-mail address


Memorize Social Security Number

Appropriate e-mail address



When working with someone and they do a good job, what should you do?

 Tell them immediately that they did a good job and what you appreciated about what they did.

Tell your supervisor that your co-worker did a good job.

 Tell them immediately that they did a good job and what you appreciated about what they did.


25. Basic math equations and calculations play an important role in many jobs tasks.  If you were working at a grocery store and your cash register was not automatically calculating the 20% off sale on someone's cereal--how would you solve this issue from the options listed below?  If the cereal was normally $2.88, I would...

Divide 20 from $2.88 to get the amount off and then subtract it.


What does it mean to "successfully compete with your peers"?

You strive or work harder in order to earn more points over a classmate


6. A _________________ is a well-defined statement explaining the profession that an individual intends to pursue throughout his or her career.  It is important for this to have clear _______________& _______________.  

Job goal; conditions and specifications

Job idea; mission and vision

Job goal; conditions and specifications


13. What is the main reason an employer conducts a job interview?

 To search for qualified candiates.

It is required.

To learn more about you as a job applicant.

To learn more about you as a job applicant.


Which mode of communication is most appropriate when resigning/quitting a job?



What three things are important to remember when attempting to communicate well using verbal communication?

Speak clearly, select your words carefully, ask if the audience has questions at least every five minutes

 Speak clearly, have eye contact with your audience, select your words carefully

Speak clearly, have eye contact with your audience, select your words carefully


Showing up on time for events, actively participating, speaking positively and providing your best efforts are all ways you can...

 Show your dedication to something.

Make new friends

get a good grade, pay raise or make others like you

Show your dedication to something.
