The characteristics Unoka has that Okonkwo does not admire.
Lazy/carefree/not planning ahead (any of these)
Who is Walter
The oldest son/ Beneatha's brother/ Ruth's husband/ Travis' dad
Finish this "Et tu Brute"
Then fall Caesar!
Where is the entire play of Macbeth set?
she slapped her daughter for taking the Lord's name in vain
Mama/ Raisin in the sun
Who is Amalinze the Cat
A wrestler
How much money did Mama get?
10 thousand dollars
Who is Calpurnia?
Caesar's wife
Is Julius Caesar based on a true story
He has a lean and hungry look and planned a murder
How does Enzinma act toward her mother?
Like a spoilt/over indulged only child
What does Travis want to be
A bus driver
What is Artemedorius's role in the development of the play Julius C.
To create suspense
Macbeth is a comedy or a tragedy?
She stabbed herself in the thigh to prove how strong she was
Portia/Julius Ceasar
TRUE or FALSE Enzinma is Ekwefi's child
How old is Travis
Complete "Fair is foul...
foul is fair"
Thou is another word for
Some thing in him broke when Ikemefuna was killed
What got Okonkwo banished from his village?
He accidentally killed a 16 year old boy
Who wrote Raisin in the Sun
Lorraine Hansberry
How are Macbeth and Duncan related
They are cousins
When there is an apostrophe in Shakesperian English it is usually replacing what kind of letter
a vowel
She came out of the care home to help her granddaughter out of a depression
Gram Tut