Rule of 3's
Internet Challenges
Modern Day Monsters
Florida Man
Game Rules

Divorced, Beheaded, Survived

What is Six?


This internet challenge requires you to ingest a spoonful of a common kitchen spice. This challenge is dangerous due to the spice triggering the gag reflex, which causes you to inadvertently inhale the spice into your lungs. The spice can burn or corrode tissue which can be fatal.

What is the cinnamon challenge?


The first images of this animal were taken in 2004 by researchers in Japan, and in 2006, scientists from Japan’s National Science Museum caught a live 24-foot long specimen. This animal was more than likely what early sailors thought to be the infamous Kraken.

What is the Giant Squid?


Florida man orders Burger King and throws a ... through the drive through window when he didn't have enough money to pay.



3 in a row is all you need to win.

What is Tic-Tac-Toe?


Wolf, Cow, Giant

What is Into The Woods?


This extremely popular challenge was created to raise awareness for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). It required you to dump a bucket of water on yourself and then call out 3 other people to also participate in the challenge.

What is the Ice Bucket Challenge?


Amerigo Vespucci in 1499 said when he was traveling along the southern coast of Australia, he saw a monster. He described it as a monstrous beast with the head of a fox, the hands of a man, the tail of a monkey, and a bag that is used to carry its young.

What is a Kangaroo?


Florida man impersonating a police officer pulls over...

Real cops


Explore the Boddy Mansion to track down a killer.

What is Clue?


Croquet, Murder, 7/11

What is Heathers?


This challenge involves going into any supermarket, grabbing two gallon jugs of milk, and intentionally throwing them into the air causing milk to splash everywhere.

What is the Gallon Smash Challenge?


Until 1910, stories of a giant lizard living on islands near Indonesia circulated amongst explorers. Explorer W. Douglas Burden decided to travel to the islands to capture a live one. He returned to New York City with a few dead specimens and not one, but two live specimens. Burden noted the animal's fiery attitude and brutality.

What is the Komodo Dragon?


Florida man protects his car from Hurricane Dorian by parking it inside his ...



Using a handful of cards which include the name of a person, place, thing, or event you will try and find the best card to go with a card that describes characteristics of a person, place, thing or event.

What is Apples to Apples?


Ghosts, Daylight, Death

What is Beetlejuice?


This challenge starts by someone putting their lips and mouths inside a container such as a cup, and then sucking the air out to create a vacuum. The lack of air pressure inside the container caused by the sucking causes their lips to temporarily plump, creating the short-term appearance of large lips. This not only looks ridiculous, but can be painful, damaging, and cause permanent damage.

What is the Kylie Jenner challenge?


Europeans in the 18th and 19th centuries called this animal the “African Unicorn.” This animal is rarely seen and are extremely hard to find and classified as a cryptid for many years. In 1901, Sir Harry Johnston found a skeleton and skin and sent it to the British museum, where it was classified as a new species.

What is an Okapi?


Florida man breaks into a house, cleans it and leaves behind...



Acquire resources, construct buildings, and expand your territory in order to control a small island.

What is Catan?


Pies, Parlor, Epiphany

What is Sweeney Todd?


This "challenge" involves calling the police and reporting a dangerous situation such as a hostage or bomb threat at an unsuspecting target’s location, typically a live streamer.



From how popular this animal is in zoos, books, movies, tv shows, and video games... it's surprising to think that this animal was considered to cryptid. But a Greek explorer named Hanno the Navigator, who was exploring the African coast in 500 BC heard stories of of monstrous, hairy humans who would attack and overpower whole villages. The animal wasn’t formally recognized as a species until 1902.

What is a Gorilla?


Florida man driving a car with two missing tires blames it on...

Paranormal Activity


Using a deck made with anywhere between 40-100 cards depending on the format you play with, you must cast spells, summon monsters, and fight for victory. Some of these formats include Commander, Standard, and Booster Draft.

What is Magic The Gathering?
